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IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-10 , DOI: 10.1109/mei.2021.9290467
Paul Gaberson

It is a new year and a new team is now handling the editing of your Electrical Insulation Magazine. We were fortunate to have the excellent team of Stan Gubanski and Resi Zarb managing the Magazine for the last 3 years, and as president of DEIS I want to extend to them our thanks for their commitment to excellence and their dedication. The quality of the Magazine has never been higher, so the new team has a tough act to follow.



新的一年即将来临,新的团队正在负责《电气绝缘》杂志的编辑工作。我们很幸运,在过去的三年里拥有斯坦·古巴班斯基 (Stan Gubanski) 和雷西·扎布 (Resi Zarb) 的优秀团队来管理该杂志,作为 DEIS 总裁,我要向他们表示感谢,感谢他们对卓越的承诺和奉献精神。该杂志的质量从未如此之高,因此新团队的行动非常艰难。