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Geomorphology of the upper Kalguty Basin, Ukok Plateau, Russian Altai mountains
Journal of Maps ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-14 , DOI: 10.1080/17445647.2020.1800529
Philip Deline 1 , Ludovic Ravanel 1 , Jean-Jacques Delannoy 1 , Melaine Le Roy 1 , Vyacheslav I. Molodin 2, 3 , Dimitri V. Cheremisim 2, 3 , Lydia V. Zotkina 2, 3 , Catherine Cretin 4 , Jean-Michel Geneste 4 , Hugues Plisson 4


As part of an archaeological research project, we investigate the geomorphology of the cold and arid study area by combining field mapping with use of orthoimages and DEM. To the north of a broad trunk valley floor, gentle slopes continuously vegetated culminate around 3000 m, while to the south steep slopes reaching to 3500 m are deeply incised and covered mainly by regolith. The basin has been intensively glaciated as evidenced by the till covering the gentler slopes, several morainic complexes, kame terraces and roches moutonnées. The present morphodynamics of this permafrost-affected basin is mainly periglacial, with blockfields, solifluction lobes, patterned ground and rock glaciers on gentle slopes to high-elevated flat terrain, and block slopes and rockfall talus on steeper slopes. Large alluvial fans at the outlet of the steep lateral valleys constrain the anastomosing channel of the Kalguty river. Active braided channels in those valleys evidence seasonal high peak discharge.




作为考古研究项目的一部分,我们通过将野外制图与正射影像和DEM结合使用来研究干旱和干旱研究区的地貌。在宽阔的主干谷地的北部,约有300 m的植被被逐渐地平缓地倾斜,而在南部达到3500 m的陡峭的斜坡被深切并且主要被白云母覆盖。该盆地被强烈冰川化,耕作覆盖了较平缓的山坡,数个杂物,kame阶地和木桐木。受多年冻土影响的盆地目前的形态动力学主要为冰川期,在缓坡至高海拔平坦地形上具有块状场,固溶裂片,带图案的地面和岩石冰川,在较陡坡上具有块状斜坡和落石距骨。陡峭的横向山谷出口处的大型冲积扇限制了卡尔古提河的吻合河道。这些山谷中活跃的辫状河道表明季节性高峰排放。
