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Brexit raises consumer concerns
Food Science and Technology Pub Date : 2020-12-11 , DOI: 10.1002/fsat.3404_6.x

Sue Davies, of Which? discusses consumer concerns about the potential impact of Brexit on food prices and food standards.

When it comes to Brexit and trade deals, food has become one of the most talked‐about issues. It is the most tangible representation of trade in our everyday lives and everyone from celebrity chefs to farmers has weighed in on how the UK's impending departure from the EU will impact the food on our plates – and how much we spend on food.

With just a few weeks until the end of the transition period, a deal with the EU still remains uncertain and concerns that a no‐deal Brexit could raise food prices could soon become a reality.

In a recent survey, around two‐thirds (66%) of people told Which? they were worried about the price of food potentially increasing if a UK‐EU trade deal was not agreed.

Four‐fifths of the UK's food imports come from the EU, according to the British Retail Consortium (BRC) and under current rules, these imports do not incur tariffs. However, under a no‐deal Brexit, food imports from the EU could face tariffs adding £3.1bn a year to the cost of importing food from the EU to the UK, according to the BRC. Under the Government's tariff schedule, which it has to apply equally to all countries that it does not have a trade deal with, some grocery items could attract tariffs of up to 57%.

Recent Which? research into tariffs set to be imposed on popular grocery items – if the UK fails to reach a deal with the EU – found that for a typical 400g pack of cheddar cheese, the tariff would work out as 56p. For a 250g pack of butter, the tariff would be 40p, while for 300g of fresh imported chicken the tariff would work out as 26p and 22p for a 300g pack of bacon.

There is no guarantee these tariffs would be passed on to customers as they could be absorbed elsewhere in the food supply chain. But the BRC has warned that the grocery industry already operates within tight margins and would not be able to absorb all of the increased cost, signalling that some – if not all – of the cost could be passed onto consumers.

In a recent survey, around two‐thirds (66%) of people told Which? they were worried about the price of food potentially increasing if a UK‐EU trade deal was not agreed.

While many in the British public are concerned that a no‐deal Brexit could raise food prices, they are not willing to accept lower food prices at any cost.

For the first time in 40 years, the UK Government is negotiating its own trade deals with countries such as Australia and the United States – potentially opening the door to wider choices and lower‐priced food imports. But also to food produced to different, often lower, standards, such as chlorine‐washed chicken and hormone‐injected beef, if the UK does not stand firm. Both are currently banned in the UK and the Government has said these bans will be upheld, but the UK could be under pressure to allow these practices as part of a trade deal with the US, where they are common.

Chlorinated chicken has been a contentious topic, with many arguing it does not pose a safety risk. However, the issue with washing poultry with chemicals is that it is an attempt to make up for poor practices and safety problems throughout the production process in the US. In contrast, chicken sold in the UK is subject to more stringent rules and monitoring from farm to fork. Lower animal welfare and safety standards in the US have resulted in worryingly high rates of foodborne illness. Around 50m Americans a year get sick from the food they eat. We know that the British public has remained strongly opposed to allowing food produced to these standards in the UK.

In a series of public dialogues across the UK commissioned by Which? to establish consumers’ priorities in trade deals, participants made it clear that they wanted current food and animal welfare standards to be maintained ‐ and lower prices and wider choice were not sufficient justifications for compromise. Many felt strongly that allowing cheaper imports that did not meet UK standards would exacerbate existing inequalities within the UK, creating a two‐tier system that would result in food produced to a higher quality only being available to wealthier families.

Despite the Government's repeated assurances that it will not compromise on standards in post‐Brexit trade deals, it refused to put this commitment in the Agriculture Bill, which would have definitively ruled out the possibility of food produced to lower standards entering the UK and quashed public concern. Instead, it increased parliamentary scrutiny on trade agreements and, though it was a welcome concession, the public still believe cast‐iron legislation is the only way to ensure food standards are not relaxed or undermined in trade deals, now or in the future.

The establishment of the Trade and Agriculture Commission as a statutory body to advise on trade deals as they progress through Parliament could also be deemed a move in the right direction. But the lack of direct consumer representation within the Commission is disappointing and has left many questioning why the Government appears to have favoured business and agriculture interests over consumers.

Many felt strongly that allowing cheaper imports that did not meet UK standards would exacerbate existing inequalities within the UK, creating a two‐tier system that would result in food produced to a higher quality only being available to wealthier families.

The public will ultimately determine the success of future trade deals and, with food being the most tangible representation of trade, the impact that trade deals have on the food on our plates and its cost will be heavily scrutinised by the public. It is, therefore, vital that consumers are represented across all trade advisory groups to ensure their voices are heard.

At the time of writing, negotiations between the UK and EU were on‐going and a deal had not been reached.

Sue Davies, Head of Consumer Protection and Food Policy at Which?

Email sue.davies@which.co.uk

Web which.co.uk



苏·戴维斯(Sue Davies),哪个?讨论了消费者对英国退欧对食品价格和食品标准的潜在影响的担忧。

















消费者保护和食品政策负责人Sue Davies在哪儿?


