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Absolute Porosity Analysis in Carbon Allotropic Nanofluids: A Sankar–Swapna Model Approach
Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-04 , DOI: 10.1134/s0036024420130270
M. S. Swapna , S. Sreejyothi , S. Sankararaman


Porous materials have gained significant attention in recent years as a class of material exhibiting interesting chemical and physical properties. The existing methods of porosity analysis have limitations that prevent absolute porosity measurement. Hence, a technique independent of surface physical properties alone can give the absolute porosity of the material. The porosity greatly influences the thermal diffusivity of a material. The manuscript is the first report of employing the Sankar–Swapna model for analyzing the porosity variations in carbon allotropic nanofluids. The model helps not only in getting information about the absolute porosity variations among samples, but also suggests morphological modifications through the thermal diffusivity study using the sensitive single-beam thermal lens technique. The variations in thermal diffusivity and absolute porosity values are also correlated to morphological modifications based on the theoretical model and thereby proposing this as a surrogate method for absolute porosity analysis.




