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Influence of dark matter on phase transitions of XCDM black hole in braneworld based on the framework of GUP
Modern Physics Letters A ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-11 , DOI: 10.1142/s0217732321500115
Xiang Liu 1 , Hui-Ling Li 1 , Liu Li 1

In this paper, under the framework of generalized uncertainty principle (GUP), based on the quantum tunneling radiation, we discuss the influence of dark matter on thermodynamics and phase transition from the X-cold dark matter (XCDM) black hole in Braneworld. It turns out that the existence of the dark matter can give rise to some new relations such as local temperature–mass, heat capacity–mass and local free energy–local temperature, and dark matter can play an important role in phase transitions. It is worth emphasizing that the first-order phase transition, second-order and Hawking–Page-like phase transitions can be observed from the new phase diagrams, and the novel and interesting thermodynamics behavior has been presented under the influence of GUP and dark matter.


基于GUP框架的暗物质对braneworld XCDM黑洞相变的影响
