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Digital Processing and Automatic Picking of Seismic Signals
Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-10 , DOI: 10.1142/s1793431121500135
César Jiménez 1 , J. Miguel Saavedra 1

In this research, we have implemented a numerical algorithm to identify the seismic wave parameters: P phase, S phase, amplitude, period and seismic signal duration. We have used the Matlab programming language and the digital signal processing toolbox to conduct the automatic picking of seismic signal parameters. As a mathematical tool, we have used the discrete Fourier transform to study the frequency components of the signal and the Hilbert transform to obtain the envelope signal. The Butterworth filter was used to bandpass the seismic signal, in case of a noisy signal. We have implemented a graphical user interface in Matlab to pick the seismic signals (with options of automatic picking and manual picking). In this way, the routine of picking a great set of seismic signals is easier. The results of the automatic algorithm agree very well with that of a human operator for a Signal/Noise ratio greater than 50, according to the sensitivity test, with an accuracy of around ±0.05s.



在这项研究中,我们实施了一种数值算法来识别地震波参数:阶段,小号相位、幅度、周期和地震信号持续时间。我们利用Matlab编程语言和数字信号处理工具箱进行了地震信号参数的自动拾取。作为一种数学工具,我们使用离散傅里叶变换来研究信号的频率分量,并使用希尔伯特变换来获得包络信号。在有噪声信号的情况下,巴特沃斯滤波器用于带通地震信号。我们在 Matlab 中实现了一个图形用户界面来拾取地震信号(具有自动拾取和手动拾取选项)。这样,挑选大量地震信号的程序就更容易了。根据灵敏度测试,自动算法的结果与人类操作员的结果非常吻合,信噪比大于 50,±0.05s。