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A Formal, Resource Consumption-Preserving Translation from Actors with Cooperative Scheduling to Haskell*
Fundamenta Informaticae ( IF 1.166 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-10 , DOI: 10.3233/fi-2020-1988
Elvira Albert 1 , Nikolaos Bezirgiannis 2 , Frank de Boer 2 , Enrique Martin-Martin 3

We present a formal translation of a resource-aware extension of the Abstract Behavioral Specification (ABS) language to the functional language Haskell. ABS is an actor-based language tailored to the modeling of distributed systems. It combines asynchronous method calls with a suspend and resume mode of execution of the method invocations. To cater for the resulting cooperative scheduling of the method invocations of an actor, the translation exploits for the compilation of ABS methods Haskell functions with continuations. The main result of this article is a correctness proof of the translation by means of a simulation relation between a formal semantics of the source language and a high-level operational semantics of the target language, i.e., a subset of Haskell. We further prove that the resource consumption of an ABS program extended with a cost model is preserved over this translation, as we establish an equivalence of the cost of executing the ABS program and its corresponding Haskell-translation. Concretely, the resources consumed by the original ABS program and those consumed by the *This work was funded partially by the Spanish MICINN/FEDER, UE project RTI2018-094403-B-C31, the MINECO project TIN2015-69175-C4-2-R, and by the CM project S2018/TCS-4314. Address for correspondence: Fac. Informática UCM, C/ Profesor José Garcı́a Santesmases 9, 28040 Madrid, Spain 204 E. Albert et al. / A Formal, Resource Consumption-Preserving Translation from Actors to Haskell Haskell program are the same, considering a cost model. Consequently, the resource bounds automatically inferred for ABS programs extended with a cost model, using resource analysis tools, are sound resource bounds also for the translated Haskell programs. Our experimental evaluation confirms the resource preservation over a set of benchmarks featuring different asymptotic costs.


从具有协作调度的 Actor 到 Haskell 的正式的、资源消耗保护的转换*

我们将抽象行为规范 (ABS) 语言的资源感知扩展正式翻译为函数式语言 Haskell。ABS 是一种基于角色的语言,专为分布式系统建模而设计。它将异步方法调用与方法调用的挂起和恢复执行模式相结合。为了满足参与者方法调用的结果合作调度,翻译利用了 ABS 方法 Haskell 函数与延续的编译。本文的主要结果是通过模拟源语言的形式语义和目标语言的高级操作语义(即Haskell 的一个子集)之间的关系来证明翻译的正确性。我们进一步证明了使用成本模型扩展的 ABS 程序的资源消耗在此转换中得以保留,因为我们建立了执行 ABS 程序及其相应 Haskell 转换的成本的等价性。具体来说,原始ABS程序消耗的资源和*这项工作消耗的资源部分由西班牙MICINN/FEDER、UE项目RTI2018-094403-B-C31、MINECO项目TIN2015-69175-C4-2-R资助,以及 CM 项目 S2018/TCS-4314。通讯地址:Fac。Informática UCM, C/ Profesor José Garcı́a Santesmases 9, 28040 Madrid, Spain 204 E. Albert et al. / 从 Actor 到 Haskell 的正式的、资源消耗保护的转换 Haskell 程序是相同的,考虑到成本模型。最后,使用资源分析工具为扩展成本模型的 ABS 程序自动推断的资源边界对于已翻译的 Haskell 程序也是合理的资源边界。我们的实验评估证实了一组具有不同渐近成本的基准的资源保存。