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Air Pollution Monitoring in Peru Using Satellite Data During the Quarantine Due to COVID-19
IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-01 , DOI: 10.1109/maes.2020.3018895
Avid Roman-Gonzalez , Angel F. Navarro-Raymundo , Natalia I. Vargas-Cuentas

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the situation at the international level is critical. COVID-19 is a type of pneumonia due to a coronavirus family. Due to this situation, like many countries, the Peruvian government has decreed mandatory social isolation, which was in effect through June 30, 2020. According to this decree, people were to stay at home and only go out to cover basic needs. After more than 50 days, some images and videos presented in different communication channels, show that animals and vegetation recover their space on the planet. Pollution reduction is probable too, which is vital for our ecosystem. However, there is no measurable way to quantify the impact of social isolation on air pollution in Peru. Thus, the present research work aims to show more objectively how much there has been a decrease in air pollution in Peru. The idea is to analyze the quantity of ozone, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, formaldehyde, aerosol, carbon monoxide, methane, and clouds in the air. For this purpose, remote sensing data is used from the Copernicus Data Hub of the European Space Agency, specifically, the Sentinel-5 Precursor satellite. The obtained results show a reduction in air pollution in different regions of Peru.


由于 COVID-19,在隔离期间使用卫星数据监测秘鲁的空气污染

由于 COVID-19 大流行,国际层面的局势至关重要。COVID-19 是一种由冠状病毒家族引起的肺炎。由于这种情况,与许多国家一样,秘鲁政府已下令强制社会隔离,有效期至 2020 年 6 月 30 日。根据该法令,人们只能呆在家里,只能外出满足基本需求。50 多天后,一些图像和视频出现在不同的传播渠道中,表明动物和植被恢复了它们在地球上的空间。减少污染也是可能的,这对我们的生态系统至关重要。然而,没有可衡量的方法来量化社会隔离对秘鲁空气污染的影响。因此,目前的研究工作旨在更客观地显示秘鲁的空气污染减少了多少。这个想法是分析空气中臭氧、二氧化氮、二氧化硫、甲醛、气溶胶、一氧化碳、甲烷和云的数量。为此,使用来自欧洲航天局哥白尼数据中心的遥感数据,特别是 Sentinel-5 Precursor 卫星。获得的结果表明秘鲁不同地区的空气污染有所减少。