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Cartography in Danish place-name studies
Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift-Norwegian Journal of Geography ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-10
Johnny Grandjean Gøgsig Jakobsen


The author discusses the role of cartography in Danish place-name studies, particularly since the editorial work on the series titled Danmarks Stednavne (‘Place Names of Denmark’) began in the 1920s. Additionally, he examines how cartography has been used politically to implement linguistic changes in place names in the border regions of Schleswig/Sønderjylland and Scania (Skåne), by comparing name forms used on maps before, during and after shifts in state boundaries. The main finding is that for a considerable number of ‘minor’ place names, the oldest extant references can often be found in cartographical sources from the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries. As a consequence, the catalogues of Danmarks Stednavne contain more cartographical references for minor and more recent place names than for older settlement names, which are often sufficiently accounted for in medieval textual sources. The author concludes that when studying maps, it is vital to consider always why and by whom the maps have been made. This also holds true for toponymy, where the background of the map can often be seen to have affected the type and number of place names included on it, and sometimes even their spellings.




作者讨论了制图学在丹麦地名研究中的作用,特别是自1920年代开始从事名为Danmarks Stednavne(“丹麦地名”)系列的编辑工作以来。此外,他通过比较在国家边界变化之前,之中和之后在地图上使用的地名形式,研究了在政治上如何利用制图法在石勒苏益格/南德兰和斯堪尼亚(斯科讷)的边界地区实施地名的语言变化。主要发现是,对于相当数量的“次要”地名,最古老的现存参考文献通常可以在17、18和19世纪的制图资源中找到。因此,Danmarks Stednavne的目录与较旧的聚居地名称相比,包含较小的和较新的地名的制图参考,在中世纪的文字资料中通常会充分说明这些参考。作者得出的结论是,在研究地图时,务必始终考虑为什么以及由谁制作地图。地名学也是如此,在这种情况下,经常可以看到地图的背景已经影响了地名的类型和数量,甚至影响了它们的拼写。
