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Correlation of tea green leafhopper occurrence with leaf structure and biochemical components in different tea cultivars
International Journal of Pest Management ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-11
Qinyu Sun, Weili Chen, Chaomei Ge, Tao Ye, Ran Zhang, Jiaxia Zhang


Being one of the most disastrous pierce-sucking pests of tea plants [Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze], tea green leafhopper (Empoasca onukii Matsuda) greatly affects tea yield and quality. In this paper, correlations among leaf structure, biochemical components and tea green leafhopper occurrence in tea cultivars with larger planting area were deeply analyzed, aiming to find the key factor impacting the host selectivity of tea green leafhopper. Tea cultivar ‘Longjing 43’, together with ‘Shuchazao’, showed the most susceptibility to this pest with high tea polyphenols content. And the best resistant tea plant cultivar, ‘Caoxi No.1’, largely relied on the thicker leaf, epidermis (both upper and lower), cuticle and spongy tissue as revealed by principal component analysis. Here, we suggested that tea polyphenols were considered as a biochemical marker for determining the resistance ability to tea green leafhopper of different tea cultivars, along with leaf upper and lower structures as mechanical barriers, which can potentially be used to promote breeding of insect-resistant tea plants.




茶绿叶蝉(Empoasca onukii)是茶树[山茶Camellia sinensis(L.)O. Kuntze)]中最具灾难性的刺吸害虫之一。松田)极大地影响了茶叶的产量和质量。本文对种植面积较大的茶树品种叶片结构,生化成分与茶绿叶蝉发生的相关性进行了深入分析,旨在寻找影响茶绿叶蝉寄主选择性的关键因素。茶品种“龙井43号”与“寿杂早”一起,对茶多酚含量高的害虫表现出最高的敏感性。主成分分析显示,抗性最好的茶树品种“曹溪一号”主要依靠较厚的叶片,表皮(上下),表皮和海绵状组织。在这里,我们建议将茶多酚视为确定不同茶品种对茶绿叶蝉抗性的生化指标,
