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Irrigation efficiency, drain outflow and yield responses to drain depth in the Nile delta clay soil, Egypt
Agricultural Water Management ( IF 5.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.agwat.2020.106674
Mohamed K. El-Ghannam , Mahmoud. A. Aiad , Ahmed M. Abdallah

Abstract The conventional sub-surface drainage (FD) in the Nile delta clay soil, northern Egypt, results in excessive drainage and low irrigation efficiency (IE). However, a shallower placement of drain might reduce drain outflow and increase IE. The ultimate objective of the present study was to determine the optimum drain depth that minimizes drain outflow and maximizes IE and irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE), while maintaining crop yield and soil salinity. Compared to FD at 120 cm below the soil surface (BSS), the effect of four controlled drain depths (CD) at 40, 60, 80 and 100 cm BSS on drain outflow, IE, salinity buildup, yield and IWUE were investigated for two seasons (2017–18 and 2018–19; wheat-sunflower cropping system). Measurements were conducted for sunflower (as a summer crop). Irrigation was applied based on the soil water content of FD-treatment, thus irrigation depth varied for each treatment. The results showed that decreasing drain depth significantly reduced drain outflow and water input, while IE, seed yield and IWUE were increased. The maximum seed yield and IWUE were obtained at the shallowest drains. Compared with FD at 120 cm, drain depth at 40 cm decreased drain outflow (by 77.20%) and water input (by 29.3%), while increased seed yield and IWUE by 27% and 86%, respectively. Based on water balance, water-uptake from shallow groundwater was maximum for CD-40 cm treatment (31.05% of water-uptake) and was significantly higher than the other treatments. However, by the end of the second season, treatment with drain depth at 40 cm BSS recorded the highest soil salinity (3.6 dS m−1) due to the upward capillary rise of shallow groundwater. Increased soil salinity had no effect on seed yield because it was below the salinity threshold of sunflower. In terms of IE and IWUE, decreasing drain depth to 40 cm BSS is recommended, but with potential salinity buildup. Therefore, drain at 60 cm BSS (had similar seed yield to drain at 40 cm BSS) might lead to significant water-saving (21.8%), while maintaining seed yield and soil quality. In conclusion, modifying the drainage system by reducing drain depth and considering crop water-uptake from shallow groundwater might contribute to water saving. After all, careful water and soil management (e.g., periodic leaching), and suitable cropping systems should be considered for salinity management when decreasing drain depth.



摘要 埃及北部尼罗河三角洲黏土的常规地下排水(FD)导致过度排水和低灌溉效率(IE)。然而,较浅的引流管位置可能会减少引流管流出并增加 IE。本研究的最终目标是确定最佳排水深度,在保持作物产量和土壤盐度的同时,最大限度地减少排水流出量并最大限度地提高 IE 和灌溉用水效率 (IWUE)。与土壤表面以下 120 cm (BSS) 处的 FD 相比,40、60、80 和 100 cm BSS 处的四个受控排水深度 (CD) 对排水流出量、IE、盐度累积、产量和 IWUE 的影响进行了两个研究季节(2017-18 和 2018-19;小麦-向日葵种植系统)。对向日葵(作为夏季作物)进行了测量。根据FD处理的土壤含水量进行灌溉,因此每个处理的灌溉深度不同。结果表明,减少排水深度显着减少排水流量和水输入,而IE、种子产量和IWUE增加。在最浅的排水沟获得最大的种子产量和 IWUE。与 120 cm 的 FD 相比,40 cm 的排水深度减少了排水流出(77.20%)和水输入(29.3%),同时种子产量和 IWUE 分别增加了 27% 和 86%。根据水平衡,CD-40 cm 处理从浅层地下水吸水量最大(吸水量的 31.05%),显着高于其他处理。然而,到第二季结束时,排水深度为 40 cm BSS 的处理记录了最高的土壤盐度 (3. 6 dS m-1) 由于浅层地下水向上毛细上升。土壤盐度的增加对种子产量没有影响,因为它低于向日葵的盐度阈值。就 IE 和 IWUE 而言,建议将排水深度降低到 40 cm BSS,但可能会增加盐度。因此,60 cm BSS 排水(与 40 cm BSS 排水的种子产量相似)可能会显着节水(21.8%),同时保持种子产量和土壤质量。总之,通过减少排水深度和考虑作物从浅层地下水中吸收水分来修改排水系统可能有助于节水。毕竟,在降低排水深度时,应考虑谨慎的水和土壤管理(例如,定期淋洗)和合适的种植系统进行盐度管理。土壤盐度的增加对种子产量没有影响,因为它低于向日葵的盐度阈值。就 IE 和 IWUE 而言,建议将排水深度降低到 40 cm BSS,但可能会增加盐度。因此,60 cm BSS 排水(与 40 cm BSS 排水的种子产量相似)可能会显着节水(21.8%),同时保持种子产量和土壤质量。总之,通过减少排水深度和考虑作物从浅层地下水中吸收水分来修改排水系统可能有助于节水。毕竟,在降低排水深度时,应考虑谨慎的水和土壤管理(例如,定期淋洗)和合适的种植系统进行盐度管理。土壤盐度的增加对种子产量没有影响,因为它低于向日葵的盐度阈值。就 IE 和 IWUE 而言,建议将排水深度降低到 40 cm BSS,但可能会增加盐度。因此,60 cm BSS 排水(与 40 cm BSS 排水的种子产量相似)可能会显着节水(21.8%),同时保持种子产量和土壤质量。总之,通过减少排水深度和考虑作物从浅层地下水中吸收水分来修改排水系统可能有助于节水。毕竟,在降低排水深度时,应考虑谨慎的水和土壤管理(例如,定期淋洗)和合适的种植系统进行盐度管理。建议将排水深度降低到 40 厘米 BSS,但可能会增加盐度。因此,60 cm BSS 排水(与 40 cm BSS 排水的种子产量相似)可能会显着节水(21.8%),同时保持种子产量和土壤质量。总之,通过减少排水深度和考虑作物从浅层地下水中吸收水分来修改排水系统可能有助于节水。毕竟,在降低排水深度时,应考虑谨慎的水和土壤管理(例如,定期淋洗)和合适的种植系统进行盐度管理。建议将排水深度降低到 40 厘米 BSS,但可能会增加盐度。因此,60 cm BSS 排水(与 40 cm BSS 排水的种子产量相似)可能会显着节水(21.8%),同时保持种子产量和土壤质量。总之,通过减少排水深度和考虑作物从浅层地下水中吸收水分来修改排水系统可能有助于节水。毕竟,在降低排水深度时,应考虑谨慎的水和土壤管理(例如,定期淋洗)和合适的种植系统进行盐度管理。通过减少排水深度和考虑作物从浅层地下水中吸水来改进排水系统可能有助于节水。毕竟,在降低排水深度时,应考虑谨慎的水和土壤管理(例如,定期淋洗)和合适的种植系统进行盐度管理。通过减少排水深度和考虑作物从浅层地下水中吸水来改进排水系统可能有助于节水。毕竟,在降低排水深度时,应考虑谨慎的水和土壤管理(例如,定期淋洗)和合适的种植系统进行盐度管理。