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Evaluation of a novel road-based landslide early warning system
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Transport ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-04 , DOI: 10.1680/jtran.19.00138
Mike G. Winter 1, 2 , Neale Kinnear 3 , Shaun Helman 3

Novel early warning signs for landslides were introduced on the A83 strategic road in Scotland, incorporating a standard rockfall/landslide red warning triangle, switchable flashing lights (‘wig-wags’) and a sub-plate stating ‘Higher risk when lights flash’. A trial on these signs focused on the Rest and be Thankful area of the A38, where landslides are a common occurrence. The efficacy of the operation of the wig-wag signs and the perceptions and attitudes of road users to the signs were assessed. It was concluded that the trial had a satisfactory outcome. During the trial period, 15 of the 17 debris flow events (almost 90%) occurred when the lights were activated; the two events that occurred when the lights were not activated were of a somewhat different character, but were nonetheless classed as ‘false negatives’. The periods during which the lights were activated and were not associated with a debris flow event corresponded to 12–19% of the days of the year; this is noteworthy, but considered to be broadly acceptable in the light of the currently available rainfall triggers to determine the timings of switch-on and switch-off. The results of the driver survey element of the work indicate that, in general, desired behaviours are promoted by the use of the signs.



在苏格兰的 A83 战略道路上引入了新颖的山体滑坡预警标志,包括标准的落石/山体滑坡红色警告三角形、可切换的闪光灯(“假发摇摆灯”)和一个标有“灯光闪烁时风险更高”的子牌。这些标志的试验集中在 A38 的休息和感恩区域,那里经常发生山体滑坡。评估了摆动标志的运作效果以及道路使用者对标志的看法和态度。得出的结论是,审判取得了令人满意的结果。在试验期间,17 起泥石流事件中有 15 起(近 90%)发生在开灯时;当灯没有被激活时发生的两个事件的性质有些不同,但仍然被归类为“假阴性”。灯被激活且与泥石流事件无关的时间段对应于一年中 12-19% 的天数;这是值得注意的,但考虑到目前可用的降雨触发器来确定开启和关闭的时间,这被认为是广泛可接受的。该工作的驾驶员调查部分的结果表明,一般来说,使用标志可以促进期望的行为。