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ACM Transactions on Database Systems ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2018-12-06 , DOI: 10.1145/3276463
Firas Abuzaid 1 , Peter Bailis 1 , Jialin Ding 1 , Edward Gan 1 , Samuel Madden 2 , Deepak Narayanan 1 , Kexin Rong 1 , Sahaana Suri 1

As data volumes continue to rise, manual inspection is becoming increasingly untenable. In response, we present MacroBase, a data analytics engine that prioritizes end-user attention in high-volume fast data streams. MacroBase enables efficient, accurate, and modular analyses that highlight and aggregate important and unusual behavior, acting as a search engine for fast data. MacroBase is able to deliver order-of-magnitude speedups over alternatives by optimizing the combination of explanation (i.e., feature selection) and classification tasks and by leveraging a new reservoir sampler and heavy-hitters sketch specialized for fast data streams. As a result, MacroBase delivers accurate results at speeds of up to 2M events per second per query on a single core. The system has delivered meaningful results in production, including at a telematics company monitoring hundreds of thousands of vehicles.



随着数据量的不断增加,人工检查变得越来越站不住脚。作为回应,我们展示了 MacroBase,这是一种数据分析引擎,可在大容量中优先考虑最终用户的注意力快速数据流。MacroBase 支持高效、准确和模块化的分析,突出和汇总重要和不寻常的行为,充当快速数据的搜索引擎。MacroBase 能够通过优化解释(即特征选择)和分类任务的组合以及利用新的储层采样器和专门用于快速数据流的重击草图来提供比替代方案数量级的加速。因此,MacroBase 在单核上以每个查询每秒高达 2M 事件的速度提供准确的结果。该系统在生产中取得了有意义的成果,包括在监控数十万辆汽车的远程信息处理公司。