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Making AI Machines Work for Humans in FoW
ACM SIGMOD Record ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-10 , DOI: 10.1145/3442322.3442327
Sihem Amer-Yahia 1 , Senjuti Basu Roy 2 , Lei Chen 3 , Atsuyuki Morishima 4 , James Abello Monedero 5 , Pierre Bourhis 6 , François Charoy 7 , Marina Danilevsky 8 , Gautam Das 9 , Gianluca Demartini 10 , Shady Elbassuoni 11 , David Gross-Amblard 12 , Emilie Hoareau 13 , Munenari Inoguchi 14 , Jared Kenworthy 15 , Itaru Kitahara 4 , Dongwon Lee 16 , Yunyao Li 8 , Ria Mae Borromeo 17 , Paolo Papotti 18 , Raghav Rao 19 , Sudeepa Roy 20 , Pierre Senellart 21 , Keishi Tajima 22 , Saravanan Thirumuruganathan 23 , Marion Tommasi 24 , Kazutoshi Umemoto 25 , Andrea Wiggins 26 , Koichiro Yoshida 27

The Future of Work (FoW) is witnessing an evolution where AI systems (broadly machines or businesses) are used to the benefit of humans. Work here refers to all forms of paid and unpaid labor in both physical and virtual workplaces and that is enabled by AI systems. This covers crowdsourcing platforms such as Amazon Mechanical Turk, online labor marketplaces such as TaskRabbit and Qapa, but also regular jobs in physical workplaces. Bringing humans back to the frontier of FoW will increase their trust in AI systems and shift their perception to use them as a source of self-improvement, ensure better work performance, and positively shape social and economic outcomes of a society and a nation. To enable that, physical and virtual workplaces will need to capture human traits, behavior, evolving needs, and provide jobs to all. Attitudes, values, opinions regarding the processes and policies will need to be assessed and considered in the design of FoW ecosystems.


让 AI 机器在 FoW 中为人类工作

工作的未来 (FoW) 正在见证 AI 系统(广义上是机器或企业)用于造福人类的演变。这里的工作是指物理和虚拟工作场所中所有形式的有偿和无偿劳动,并且由人工智能系统实现。这包括 Amazon Mechanical Turk 等众包平台、Ta​​skRabbit 和 Qapa 等在线劳动力市场,以及实体工作场所的常规工作。将人类带回 FoW 的前沿将增加他们对人工智能系统的信任,并转变他们的观念,将其用作自我提升的源泉,确保更好的工作表现,并积极塑造社会和国家的社会和经济成果。为了实现这一点,物理和虚拟工作场所需要捕捉人类特征、行为、不断变化的需求,并为所有人提供工作。态度、价值观、