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Formulation, application timing, and postapplication irrigation timing affect dislodgeable azoxystrobin from turfgrass
Agronomy Journal ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-10 , DOI: 10.1002/agj2.20560
P.J. Maxwell 1 , T.W. Gannon 1

Azoxystrobin is a broad‐spectrum strobilurin fungicide used widely in turfgrass systems, including lawns. Previous research has shown that various management practices influence pesticide dislodgement from turfgrass; however, limited research has been performed to determine their effect on azoxystrobin dislodge. A field experiment was conducted in Raleigh, NC, to quantify dislodgeable azoxystrobin (0.61 kg ai ha−1) foliar residue from tall fescue [Lolium arundinaceum (Schreb.) S.J. Darbyshire] across formulations (sprayable or granular), application timings (AM [0700 h Eastern Standard Time] or PM [1400 h Eastern Standard Time]), and postapplication irrigation timings (4 or 48 h after treatment [HAT]). Sample collection occurred 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, or 16 d after treatment (DAT). Evaluated management practices affected dislodgeable azoxystrobin, most notably from 1 to 4 DAT. Sprayable azoxystrobin applied in the PM resulted in greater azoxystrobin dislodged (1.0–8.0% of applied) compared with AM (0.3–5.5%), which were both greater than granular azoxystrobin applied in the AM or PM (<0.1–2.8%) from 1 to 4 DAT. Within sprayable azoxystrobin, five times greater azoxystrobin was dislodged by delaying postapplication irrigation until 48 HAT (1.2–11.8% of applied) compared with irrigation 4 HAT (0.2–1.2%) from 1 to 4 DAT. Information from this study improves our understanding of factors affecting pesticide dislodge and can be incorporated into turfgrass management strategies to minimize potential human pesticide exposure.



Azoxystrobin是一种广谱的伞星霉素杀菌剂,广泛用于包括草坪在内的草皮草系统。先前的研究表明,各种管理措施都会影响草皮草中农药的清除。然而,已经进行了有限的研究以确定它们对嘧菌酯去除的作用。在北卡罗来纳州罗利市进行了田野实验,以定量测定来自高羊茅[ Lolium arundinaceum]的可去除的嘧菌酯(0.61 kg ai ha -1)叶面残留物(Schreb。)SJ Darbyshire]跨配方(喷雾或颗粒状),施用时间(AM [0700 h东部标准时间]或PM [1400 h东部标准时间])和施用后灌溉时间(处理后4或48 h [HAT] ])。在处理(DAT)后1、2、3、4、8或16 d收集样品。评估后的管理实践影响了可移动的嘧菌酯的影响,最明显的是从1到4 DAT。与AM(0.3–5.5%)相比,在PM中施用可喷洒的嘧菌酯导致更大的嘧菌酯脱落(占施用量的1.0–8.0%),两者均大于AM或PM中施用的颗粒状嘧菌酯(<0.1–2.8%)。 1到4 DAT。在可喷洒的嘧菌酯中,通过推迟施药后的灌溉直到48 HAT(施用量的1.2–11.8%)比使用4 HAT(0.2–1)灌溉时,驱散出的嘧菌酯的含量高出五倍。2%)从1到4 DAT。这项研究提供的信息可以提高我们对影响农药清除的因素的了解,可以将其纳入草皮管理策略中,以最大程度地减少人为农药的潜在暴露量。