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Functional motor disorders associated with other neurological diseases: Beyond the boundaries of “organic” neurology
European Journal of Neurology ( IF 4.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-09 , DOI: 10.1111/ene.14674
Michele Tinazzi 1 , Christian Geroin 1 , Roberto Erro 2 , Enrico Marcuzzo 1 , Sofia Cuoco 2 , Roberto Ceravolo 3 , Sonia Mazzucchi 3 , Andrea Pilotto 4, 5 , Alessandro Padovani 4 , Luigi Michele Romito 6 , Roberto Eleopra 6 , Mario Zappia 7 , Alessandra Nicoletti 7 , Carlo Dallocchio 8 , Carla Arbasino 8 , Francesco Bono 9 , Angelo Pascarella 9 , Benedetta Demartini 10 , Orsola Gambini 10 , Nicola Modugno 11 , Enrica Olivola 11 , Laura Bonanni 12 , Elena Antelmi 1 , Elisabetta Zanolin 13 , Alberto Albanese 14 , Gina Ferrazzano 15 , Rosa de Micco 16 , Leonardo Lopiano 17 , Giovanna Calandra-Buonaura 18, 19 , Martina Petracca 20 , Marcello Esposito 21 , Antonio Pisani 22 , Paolo Manganotti 23 , Fabrizio Stocchi 24 , Mario Coletti Moja 25 , Angelo Antonini 26 , Tommaso Ercoli 27 , Francesca Morgante 28, 29

The aims of this study were to describe the clinical manifestations of functional motor disorders (FMDs) coexisting with other neurological diseases (“comorbid FMDs”), and to compare comorbid FMDs with FMDs not overlapping with other neurological diseases (“pure FMDs”).



本研究的目的是描述功能性运动障碍 (FMD) 与其他神经系统疾病共存的临床表现(“合并 FMD”),并将合并 FMD 与不与其他神经系统疾病重叠的 FMD(“纯 FMD”)进行比较。