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Analogues of Milner’s Theorem for families without long chains and of vector spaces
European Journal of Combinatorics ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-10 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ejc.2020.103279
Peter Frankl

Let n>k>0 be integers and X an n-element set. A family F consisting of subsets of X is called k-Sperner if it has no distinct members F0,,Fk such that F0F1Fk. A family is called s-union if the union of any two of its members has size at most s. A classical result of Milner determines the maximum size of a family that is both 1-Sperner and s-union. The present paper is dealing with the case k2. If s=2r<n then the natural construction is to take all subsets FX with rk<|F|r. Theorem 4.1 shows that this is optimal for n>r(r+3). The case of s=2r+1 is more complex. We believe that Example 1.9 provides the maximum. Theorem 1.12 confirms this for k=2 and nr2+4r+1.

Two families F and G are called cross-intersecting if FG for all FF, GG. What is the maximum of |F|+|G| if in addition F is k-Sperner, G is -Sperner? The exact answer is given by Theorem 1.4.

In Section 3 we prove the analogue of Milner’s Theorem for vector spaces.



ñ>ķ>0 是整数和 X 一个 ñ-元素集。一个家庭F 由...的子集组成 X 叫做 ķ-如果没有独立成员,则为SpernerF0Fķ 这样 F0F1个Fķ。一个家庭被称为s-工会,如果其任何两个成员的工会的规模最大为 s。Milner的经典结果决定了1-Sperner和s-联盟。本文件正在处理此案ķ2。如果s=2[R<ñ 那么自然的构造就是取所有子集 FX[R-ķ<|F|[R。定理4.1表明这对于ñ>[R[R+3。的情况下s=2[R+1个更复杂。我们相信,示例1.9提供了最大的限制。定理1.12证实了ķ=2ñ[R2+4[R+1个

两个家庭 FG 称为交叉相交 FG 对所有人 FFGG。最大值是多少|F|+|G| 如果另外 Fķ-Sperner, G-Sperner?确切的答案由定理1.4给出。

