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Perceived availability and access limitations to ecosystem service well-being benefits increase in urban areas
Ecology and Society ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-01 , DOI: 10.5751/es-12012-250432
Marie Lapointe , Georgina G. Gurney , Graeme S. Cumming

Access mechanisms can determine the benefits that people derive from a given ecosystem service supply. However, compared to ecosystem service availability, access has received little research attention. The relative importance of availability compared to access in limiting ecosystem service benefits is even less well understood. In cities, the observed disconnect between people and nature might result in part from changes in ecosystem service availability and access compared to rural areas. To address these research gaps, we compared perceived limitations to ecosystem service well-being benefits in urban and rural areas in the Solomon Islands. We predicted that more people would report being limited in ecosystem service benefits in urban than rural areas. Drawing on data from 200 respondents, we found that more urban dwellers reported being limited in both availability and access to the benefits that they derived from ecosystem services. Availability factors were the most frequently perceived limitations, although access played an important role for both provisioning and cultural services. In urban areas, poorer people, women, and older people identified the most limitations. Findings show the importance of investigating both ecosystem service availability and access to manage the environment in a way that sustains or increases benefits to people.



获取机制可以确定人们从给定的生态系统服务供应中获得的利益。然而,与生态系统服务的可用性相比,获取很少受到研究的关注。与限制生态系统服务收益的获取相比,可用性的相对重要性更不为人所知。在城市中,观察到的人与自然之间的脱节可能部分是由于与农村地区相比生态系统服务的可用性和可及性发生了变化。为了解决这些研究空白,我们比较了所罗门群岛城市和农村地区生态系统服务福祉效益的感知局限性。我们预测,与农村地区相比,城市地区更多的人会报告生态系统服务收益受到限制。根据 200 名受访者的数据,我们发现,更多的城市居民报告说,他们从生态系统服务中获得的利益在可用性和获取方面都受到限制。可用性因素是最常见的限制因素,尽管访问对供应和文化服务都发挥了重要作用。在城市地区,较贫穷的人、妇女和老年人发现了最多的限制。调查结果表明,调查生态系统服务的可用性和以维持或增加人类利益的方式管理环境的重要性。和老年人发现的限制最多。调查结果表明,调查生态系统服务的可用性和以维持或增加人类利益的方式管理环境的重要性。和老年人发现的限制最多。调查结果表明,调查生态系统服务的可用性和以维持或增加人类利益的方式管理环境的重要性。