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Determining the Volcanic Eruption Style of Tephra Deposits From Infrared Spectroscopy
Earth and Space Science ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-07 , DOI: 10.1029/2019ea001013
M. J. B. Henderson 1 , B. H. N. Horgan 1 , M. C. Rowe 2 , K. T. Wall 3 , N. A. Scudder 1

Orbital imagery and spectroscopy at Mars have identified a variety of deposits potentially consistent with volcanic tephra formed during explosive volcanic eruptions, and some of these deposits may have formed due to water‐ or ice‐magma interactions during phreatomagmatic eruptions. If this is the case, these deposits could serve as an additional record of past water on Mars. Previous work has demonstrated that phreatomagmatic tephra is characterized by much lower crystallinities than tephras from other types of eruptions. We hypothesize that crystallinity could be inferred remotely using spectroscopy; however, tephra spectral properties have not been directly linked to their mineralogy. Here, we use Mars analog tephra samples to investigate if eruption styles and the past presence of water during the eruption of possible volcanic deposits on Mars can be determined using orbital spectroscopy. Visible/near‐infrared (VNIR) reflectance and thermal infrared (TIR) emission spectra were collected of basaltic volcanic tephras sourced from a range of eruption styles and deposit types on Earth. Our research demonstrates that, TIR and VNIR data are both sufficient to detect increased glass abundances in volcanic deposits, potentially indicating volatile interactions during an eruption, and that glass‐poor tephras have distinct TIR properties that can be used to infer tephra type (e.g., ignimbrite vs. scoria). Combining VNIR and TIR orbital data for analysis based on our new laboratory spectral endmember library may allow a reevaluation of Martian volcanic and volatile histories using current and future planetary orbital and in situ spectral datasets.


