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Complex co- and postseismic faulting of the 2017–2018 seismic sequence in western Iran revealed by InSAR and seismic data
Remote Sensing of Environment ( IF 11.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-08 , DOI: 10.1016/j.rse.2020.112224
A. Fathian , S. Atzori , H. Nazari , K. Reicherter , S. Salvi , N. Svigkas , M. Tatar , C. Tolomei , F. Yaminifard

The largest earthquake in the Zagros Mountains struck the city of Azgeleh on the Iran–Iraq border on 12 November 2017. This Mw 7.3 earthquake was followed by an intense seismic sequence. Implementing the double-difference earthquake location technique, we relocate 1069 events recorded by our local seismic network, deployed after the mainshock. The spatial distribution of the epicenters indicates linear alignments of the events nucleated along at least four notable clusters. The clusters are characterized by at least one significant earthquake, such as the Tazehabad earthquake of 25 August 2018 (Mw 5.9) along a dense, east–west trending cluster and the Sarpol-e Zahab earthquake of 25 November 2018 (Mw 6.3) along the cluster with a northeast–southwest trend. We use two-pass differential SAR interferometry (DInSAR) and Small BAseline Subset (SBAS) methods to study the coseismic permanent displacements of the Azgeleh, Tazehabad and Sarpol-e Zahab events as well as the one-year postseismic deformation field of the 2017–2018 seismic sequence, respectively. We use non-linear and linear optimization algorithms to derive the source geometry and the slip distribution along the fault planes. The inversion is conducted by introducing also seismological constraints, leading to the definition of a listric geometry for the Azgeleh mainshock rupture that accommodates the slip area at depth of 10–16 km along a sub-horizontal plane (dipping ~3°) and a low-angle (~16°) ramp. The thrust and dextral movements along this NNW-striking (~345°) fault have triggered a tear fault responsible for the Tazehabad event ruptured an east–west trending (~267°), north-dipping (~78°) sinistral shear fault. We present the dextral slip distribution of the Sarpol-e Zahab event along a NE-striking (~34°) fault, as a synthetic Riedel structure for the southern segment of the Khanaqin fault, dipping 63° to the southeast. We find the postseismic deformation field associated with the seismic sequence is not confined only to the mainshock source (the Azgeleh fault), but also develops along the Tazehabad and Sarpol-e Zahab faults. We additionally propose afterslip along a duplex, flat-ramp-flat structure down-dip and up-dip of the Azgeleh coseismic slip area. The up-dip afterslip develops onto the shallow detachment (~3°) at depth of ~8 km and the down-dip afterslip propagate onto the mid-crustal décollement level within the Pan-African basement. The Azgeleh, Tazehabad, Sarpol-e Zahab and Khanaqin faults mark the Lurestan Arc–Kirkuk Embayment sharp margin in the Northwest Zagros and play a key role in the lateral escape of the Lurestan Salient and vertical strain partitioning in the Zagros front.



在扎格罗斯山脉的大地震袭击了城市Azgeleh对11月12日2017年这M中的伊朗-伊拉克边境W¯¯ 7.3级地震其次是强烈的地震序列。实施双差地震定位技术后,我们重新定位了由当地地震网络记录的1069次地震,这些地震是在主震之后部署的。震中的空间分布表明沿着至少四个显着簇的成核事件的线性排列。这些星团的特征是至少发生了一次强烈地震,例如2018年8月25日的塔泽哈巴德地震(M w 5.9)沿密集的东西向趋势集群和2018年11月25日的Sarpol-e Zahab地震(M w6.3)沿东北-西南趋势的集群。我们使用两遍差分SAR干涉法(DInSAR)和小型BAseline子集(SBAS)方法来研究Azgeleh,Tazehabad和Sarpol-e Zahab事件的同震永久位移以及2017年的一年地震后变形场2018年地震序列。我们使用非线性和线性优化算法来推导源几何形状和沿断层平面的滑动分布。反演是通过引入地震学约束条件来进行的,从而为阿兹列赫主震破裂定义了立体几何学,该几何学适应了沿亚水平平面(倾角约为3°)且深度较低的滑动区域,深度为10-16 km角度(〜16°)倾斜。沿着该NNW冲断(〜345°)断层的逆冲和右旋运动触发了造成Tazehabad事件的撕裂断层,使东西向趋势(〜267°),北倾(〜78°)左旋剪切断层破裂。我们介绍了沿东北向(〜34°)断层的Sarpol-e Zahab事件的右旋滑移分布,是卡纳钦断层南段的合成Riedel结构,向东南倾斜63°。我们发现与地震序列相关的后地震形变场不仅限于主震源(阿兹列格断裂),而且还沿着塔泽哈巴德(Tazehabad)断层和萨普勒-扎哈卜断层(Sarpol-e Zahab)发展。我们还建议沿着Azgeleh同震滑移区域的双重,平坦斜坡-平坦结构的下倾和上倾进行后滑。上倾后滑在约8 km的深度发展到浅层分离(〜3°),下倾后滑传播到泛非地下室中的中地壳弯折水平。Azgeleh,Tazehabad,Sarpol-e Zahab和Khanaqin断层标志着西北Zagros的Lurestan Arc–Kirkuk Embayment锋利边缘,并在Lurestan侧向逸出和Zagros前缘的垂直应变划分中发挥了关键作用。
