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Compactly supported quasi-tight multiframelets with high balancing orders and compact framelet transforms
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-08 , DOI: 10.1016/j.acha.2020.11.005
Bin Han , Ran Lu

Framelets derived from refinable (vector) functions via the popular oblique extension principle (OEP) are of interest in both theory and applications. Though OEP can increase vanishing moments of framelet generators to improve sparsity, it has a serious shortcoming for scalar framelets: the associated discrete framelet transform is often not compact and deconvolution is unavoidable. On the other hand, in sharp contrast to the extensively studied scalar framelets, OEP-based multiframelets are far from well understood. In this paper, we prove that from any compactly supported refinable vector function having at least two entries, one can always construct through OEP a compactly supported quasi-tight multiframelet such that all framelet generators have the highest possible order of vanishing moments, and its underlying discrete framelet transform is compact and balanced. The key ingredient of our proof is a newly developed normal form of matrix-valued filters, which greatly facilitates the study of multiframelets.



