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JA:2021-40. What about the Rest of Them? Their Lives Mattered Too: Fatal Agricultural Injuries Not Captured by BLS/CFOI
Journal of Agromedicine ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-06 , DOI: 10.1080/1059924x.2020.1765612
Bryan Weichelt 1 , Serap Gorucu 2 , John Shutske 3 , Erika Scott 4 , Rick Burke 1 , Dennis J. Murphy 2 , Risto Rautiainen 5


Purpose: Agricultural workers are seven times more likely to die on the job than non-agricultural workers. These numbers are likely underestimates of fatal incidents. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) captures fatalities in production agriculture as part of the Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (CFOI), but there are significant caveats based on the special circumstances of agriculture as compared to other industries. BLS reports of agricultural workplace injuries are important to surveillance. However, it should be made clear in publicly issued reports what is included in the case definition for agriculture. CFOI covers all occupational agriculture fatalities (to the best of CFOI ability), but excludes child and non-worker bystanders and public roadway collision victims who were not working, even if a working farm machine was directly involved.

Methods: We identified cases from AgInjuryNews.org that did not meet the criteria for CFOI but are related to agriculture. As part of our ongoing study, these cases will be further reviewed by BLS staff for inclusion or exclusion from CFOI. For this presentation, cases were divided into specific themes for discussion.

Findings: Three overall themes were identified: 1)Who is working and does it matter? 2) Where does the workplace end? 3) Does it have to be farm work? In theme 1, we highlight two cases involving children who were injured while not directly engaged in farm work. For theme 2, an agritourism and a public roadway incident were discussed. Lastly, theme 3 describes all-terrain vehicle cases where the riders were performing work that is not directly related to production agriculture or were impacted externally by production agriculture.

Translation: What do we lose by excluding non-occupational victims of public roadway, youth, and other non-working farm injuries? What is the purpose of agricultural injury surveillance? If injury prevention is a primary goal, we should continue to analyze data related to agricultural injury, regardless of victims’ occupational status. The Farm and Agricultural Injury Classification (FAIC) System is one effective way to distinguish between production agriculture (occupational) and bystanders, etc. Results from this study exemplify the gaps in current agricultural injury surveillance, uncover a more complete picture of agricultural injury burden, and help move the conversation toward organizational and federal policy discussions.


JA:2021-40。其余的呢?他们的生活也很重要:BLS / CFOI未捕获致命的农业伤害





