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Climate change and oil pollution: A dangerous cocktail for tropical zooplankton
Aquatic Toxicology ( IF 4.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-07 , DOI: 10.1016/j.aquatox.2020.105718
Laura Hernández Ruiz , Bernard Ekumah , Delove Abraham Asiedu , Giovanna Albani , Emmanuel Acheampong , Sigrún H. Jónasdóttir , Marja Koski , Torkel Gissel Nielsen

Climate change and oil pollution pose a major threat to tropical marine ecosystems and to the coastal communities relying on their resources. The Gulf of Guinea is severely affected by multiple human induced stressors, but the potential impacts of these on marine productivity remain unknown. We investigated the combined effects of heatwaves (climate stressor) and the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon pyrene (proxy for oil) on the copepod Centropages velificatus. We quantified survival, reproduction and fecal pellet production of females exposed to concentrations of 0, 10, 100 and 100+ nM (saturated) pyrene under simulated heatwaves of different thermal intensity (+3 °C and +5 °C above control treatment temperature).

Thermal stress due to both moderate and intensive heatwaves resulted in reduced survival and egg production. The negative effects of pyrene were only measurable at the high pyrene concentrations. However, thermal stress increased the sensitivity of C. velificatus to pyrene, indicating a synergistic interaction between the two stressors.

We document that the interaction of multiple stressors can result in cumulative impacts that are stronger than expected based on single stressor studies. Further research is urgently needed to evaluate the combined impact of climatic and anthropogenic stressors on the productivity of coastal ecosystems, particularly in the tropical areas.



气候变化和石油污染对热带海洋生态系统和依赖其资源的沿海社区构成了重大威胁。几内亚湾受到多种人为压力源的严重影响,但这些压力源对海洋生产力的潜在影响仍然未知。我们研究了热波(气候压力源)和多环芳烃pyr(石油代用品)对co足类Centr虾的综合作用。我们对暴露于0、10、100和100+ nM(饱和)concentrations浓度的雌性在不同热强度(高于对照处理温度+3 ° C和+5 ° C )的模拟热波中的存活,繁殖和粪便颗粒产量进行了量化。


