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Who demands peri-urban nature? A second stage hedonic house price estimation of household’s preference for peri-urban nature
Landscape and Urban Planning ( IF 7.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2020.104016
Cathrine Ulla Jensen , Toke Emil Panduro , Thomas Hedemark Lundhede , Kathrine von Graevenitz , Bo Jellesmark Thorsen

Abstract We analyze housing markets in a suburb north of the Danish capital Copenhagen. There the concentration of affluent households decreases rapidly with distance to nature. This indicates systematic differences in preferences that are highly correlated with demographics. We assess if and to what extent this is the case by conducting a second-stage hedonic house price study, where we recover household-specific preferences for the availability of peri-urban nature. Preference parameters are identified locally through restrictions on household utility functions. We assess the relationship between demographic factors and household Willingness To Pay for nature availability across the Willingness To Pay distribution. The results of the analysis show that households paid on average 968 EUR per year for the level of peri-urban nature they have available from their home. In extreme cases, some households paid more than seven times the average amount. Willingness To Pay for peri-urban nature increases with income and wealth across the entire population. However, an increase in income will increase Willingness To Pay more for households at the lower end of the willingness to pay distribution, compared to the effect at the high end of the Willingness To Pay distribution. Furthermore, increases in education levels are related to higher willingness to pay in the middle of the willingness to pay distribution, whereas further education has less impact on households with high willingness to pay. Single parent status, car ownership, and other factors also affect Willingness To Pay for nature availability. Our study contributes to the discussion of the distributional aspects of environmental policies with results based on a revealed-preference method where households face a real and binding budget constraint. Our results show that the socio-economic distribution of changes in amenity values is a relevant factor to consider when evaluating policies that affect the provision of nature close to urban areas.



摘要 我们分析了丹麦首都哥本哈根以北郊区的住房市场。在那里,富裕家庭的集中度随着与自然距离的增加而迅速下降。这表明偏好与人口统计学高度相关的系统差异。我们通过进行第二阶段的享乐房价研究来评估这种情况是否以及在多大程度上是这种情况,在该研究中,我们恢复了家庭对城市周边自然可用性的特定偏好。偏好参数是通过限制住户效用函数在当地确定的。我们评估了人口因素与家庭支付意愿在支付意愿分布中的自然可用性之间的关系。分析结果显示,家庭平均每年支付 968 欧元来购买他们家中可用的城市周边自然水平。在极端情况下,一些家庭支付的费用是平均金额的七倍以上。为城郊自然支付的意愿随着整个人口的收入和财富而增加。然而,与支付意愿分布高端的影响相比,收入的增加将增加支付意愿低端家庭的支付意愿。此外,教育水平的提高与支付意愿分布中间的支付意愿较高有关,而继续教育对支付意愿较高的家庭影响较小。单亲身份,拥有汽车,和其他因素也会影响为自然可用性付费的意愿。我们的研究有助于讨论环境政策的分配方面,结果基于显示偏好方法,其中家庭面临真实且具有约束力的预算约束。我们的研究结果表明,在评估影响城市地区自然供给的政策时,便利设施价值变化的社会经济分布是一个需要考虑的相关因素。