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Attitudes Towards Cousin Marriages: Findings Among Young People from Mexico
Evolutionary Psychological Science ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-01 , DOI: 10.1007/s40806-020-00237-x
Abraham P. Buunk , Karlijn Massar

The present research examined how life history and resistance against interethnic mating were related to positive and negative attitudes towards cousin marriages among young people aged between 15 and 25 from a rural area in the Mexican state of Oaxaca. The sample included three ethnic groups: Mestizos (people of mixed Spanish and indigenous descent, n = 84), indigenous Mixtecs ( n = 83), and Afro-Mexicans ( n = 33). In general, respondents reported more negative than positive attitudes towards cousin marriage. Among the Mestizos, but not in the other ethnic groups, women reported more negative attitudes than men did. The main objections against marrying a cousin were that it might lead to family conflict and might result in genetic defects of one’s offspring. The main positive aspect of cousin marriage that participants mentioned was that one would marry someone with the same values. The ethnic groups did not differ in their attitudes towards cousin marriages. A slower life history was related to a more negative (but not a less positive) attitude towards cousin marriages, whereas resistance against out-group mating was related to a more positive (but not a less negative) attitude towards cousin marriages. The implications of the results are discussed in the context of life history theory, the benefits of in-group marriage, and the potential positive and negative effects of cousin marriages.



本研究调查了墨西哥瓦哈卡州农村地区15至25岁的年轻人对表亲婚姻的积极态度和消极态度与生活史和对族裔间交往的抵抗力之间的关系。样本包括三个种族:混血儿(混合了西班牙血统和土著血统的人,n = 84),土著混合血统(n = 83)和非洲裔墨西哥人(n = 33)。总体而言,受访者表示对表亲婚姻持消极态度而非积极态度。在混血儿中,但在其他种族中则没有,女性报告的消极态度比男性更多。反对与堂兄结婚的主要反对意见是,这可能导致家庭冲突,并可能导致其后代的遗传缺陷。参与者提到的表弟婚姻的主要积极方面是,一个人将嫁给具有相同价值观的人。种族群体对表亲婚姻的态度没有差异。较慢的生活史与对表亲婚姻的态度较消极(但积极性较弱)有关,而对群体外交往的抵制与对表亲婚姻的态度较积极(但较不消极)相关。在生活史理论,团体内婚姻的好处以及堂兄婚姻的潜在正面和负面影响的背景下讨论了结果的含义。较慢的生活史与对表亲婚姻的态度较消极(但积极性较弱)有关,而对群体外交往的抵制与对表亲婚姻的态度较积极(但较不消极)相关。在生活史理论,团体内婚姻的好处以及堂兄婚姻的潜在正面和负面影响的背景下讨论了结果的含义。较慢的生活史与对表亲婚姻的态度较消极(但积极性较弱)有关,而对群体外交往的抵制与对表亲婚姻的态度较积极(但较不消极)相关。在生活史理论,团体内婚姻的好处以及堂兄婚姻的潜在正面和负面影响的背景下讨论了结果的含义。