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Anti-Natalism from an Evolutionary Psychological Perspective
Evolutionary Psychological Science ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-19 , DOI: 10.1007/s40806-019-00226-9
Faith L. Brown , Lucas A. Keefer

Although research has investigated both moral psychology and evolutionary motivations behind reproduction, psychological issues at the intersection of these two domains remain relatively unexplored. In this paper, we describe anti-natalism, the ethical position that it is immoral to reproduce (e.g., Benatar 2006), and make a first outline of its potential as an area of psychological research. We note three critical gaps in knowledge: (1) extent of endorsement, (2) predictors or causes of this view, and (3) behavioral consequences of its endorsement. Although this position may seem obscure, we point to its practical relevance in understanding decisions to remain childless and its potential to contribute to a theoretical understanding of the moral processes that shape these decisions.



尽管研究已经研究了道德心理和生殖背后的进化动机,但是在这两个领域的交汇处的心理学问题仍然相对未被探索。在本文中,我们描述了反纳粹主义,即不道德的伦理立场(例如Benatar 2006),并就其作为心理学研究领域的潜力作了初步概述。我们注意到知识上的三个关键差距:(1)认可的程度,(2)这种观点的预测因素或原因,以及(3)认可该观点的行为后果。尽管这个立场可能看起来很模糊,但我们指出了它在理解保持无子女的决定方面的实际意义,以及在理论上有助于理解决定这些决定的道德过程的潜力。