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Beyond Sex Differences: Predictors of Negative Emotions Following Casual Sex
Evolutionary Psychological Science ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-30 , DOI: 10.1007/s40806-019-00217-w
Jessica A. Hehman , Catherine A. Salmon

Recently, much attention has been focused on understanding casual sex, or hooking up, among college students. The current study uses an adaptationist approach to go beyond sex differences in casual sex behavior, examining predictors of emotional reactions and including a community sample (39 females, 84 males) in addition to a typical college sample (103 females, 62 males). If males and females possess different emotional mechanisms designed to evaluate the consequences of sexual behavior, we would expect sex differences in emotional reactions as well as in motivations for engaging in casual sex. Individual differences in motivation may influence whether emotional reactions to casual sex are positive or negative. Early environmental cues of relationship stability may also have an impact on emotional responses. Results indicate that in addition to sex differences, factors such as early environmental cues of relationship instability, individuals’ motivation for engaging in casual sex, and the number of their casual sex partners contribute to the positive or negative nature of their response to casual sex experiences. In addition, results from the community sample suggest that there may be life stage-specific effects.



近来,很多注意力都集中在理解大学生之间的随意性爱或勾搭上。当前的研究使用一种适应主义的方法,超越了偶然性行为中的性别差异,研究了情绪反应的预测因素,除了典型的大学样本(103名女性,男性62名)之外,还包括了社区样本(39名女性,84名男性)。如果男性和女性拥有不同的情感机制来评估性行为的后果,那么我们会期望在情感反应以及从事随意性行为的动机上存在性别差异。动机的个体差异可能会影响对休闲性行为的情绪反应是正面还是负面。关系稳定的早期环境暗示也可能对情绪反应产生影响。结果表明,除了性别差异外,诸如环境不稳定的早期环境提示,个人从事休闲性行为的动机以及其休闲性伴侣的数量等因素也有助于他们对休闲性经历的反应的积极或消极性质。 。此外,社区样本的结果表明可能存在特定于生命阶段的影响。