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Inclusive education for Internally Displaced Children in Kenya: children perceptions of their learning and development needs in post-conflict schooling
International Journal of Child Care and Education Policy ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2018-03-27 , DOI: 10.1186/s40723-018-0046-1
Jenestar Wanjiru

The Kenyan society has been characterised by tribal-political-instigated violence since the declaration of multiparty democracy in 1991. The 2007/8 post-election violence (PEV) particularly saw the scattering of families where some children lost months or years of schooling; others were permanently excluded from education, while the participation and achievement of those arriving in school were characterised by complex needs and experiences. This paper aims to analyse literature and report on findings from creative activities with 16 conflict-affected children (9–12 years) regarding their experiences and understandings of inclusive education during their post-conflict school-life. I conducted an intrinsic case study with aspects of ethnography in a post-conflict community primary school in Kenya whose majority (71%) pupil population was attributed to internal displacement following the 2007/8 PEV. Children perceived inclusive education in regard to their own learning and development needs as involving access and acceptance in the new school community, social-emotional development, ‘peer-keeping’ and community-consciousness. Whilst valuing their teachers’ pursuit for inclusion-sensitive practices, children’s understanding of their own circumstances resulted in group-made strategies like ‘peer-keeping’ and peer-constructed rules of interaction, helping them negotiate systemic constrains and distortion of values. This study underscores the fundamental role of children in social integration in post-conflict circumstances.



自1991年宣布多党民主以来,肯尼亚社会一直存在部落政治煽动的暴力事件。2007/8选举后的暴力事件(PEV)特别是家庭分散,一些孩子失去了几个月或几年的学业。其他人则被永久地排除在教育之列,而那些上学的人的参与和成就则具有复杂的需求和经验。本文旨在分析文献,并报告与16名受冲突影响的儿童(9至12岁)进行的创造性活动有关他们在冲突后学校生活中的经验和对全纳教育的理解。我在肯尼亚的冲突后社区小学中进行了人种学方面的内在案例研究,该校的大多数学生(71%)的学生人数归因于2007/8 PEV之后的内部流离失所。孩子们认为,关于他们自己的学习和发展需求的全纳教育涉及在新学校社区的获得和接受,社会情感发展,“同伴养育”和社区意识。在评估教师对包容性敏感实践的追求时,孩子们对自己情况的理解导致了小组制定的策略,例如“同伴养育”和同伴建构的互动规则,帮助他们应对系统性约束和价值观扭曲。这项研究强调了冲突后环境中儿童在社会融合中的基本作用。