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Supporting change in VET: teachers’ professional development and ECVET learner mobility
Empirical Research in Vocational Education and Training ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2018-01-06 , DOI: 10.1186/s40461-017-0062-3
Cathal de Paor

BackgroundWhile mobility to other countries has become very much a part of higher education programmes, VET learners have not participated to the same extent. The possibility which European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET) offers in terms of the transfer, recognition and, accumulation of learning outcomes may help to change this. However, this requires a considerable involvement from teachers, given the role they need to play in preparing for such mobility in terms of learning outcomes, learning activities and assessment.MethodsThis paper considers the professional development needs of teachers with regard to this, drawing on the results of an Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership, QUAKE, geared towards teacher professional development and learner ECVET mobility in a number of European countries. The project provides the basis for an explanatory case study (Yin 1994), and the case results being considered here are drawn from the views expressed by Irish VET teachers.ResultsThe results highlight the need for a greater connection between VET teachers’ professional development and their routine work with learners.ConclusionsECVET mobility can contribute to this connection, providing the context where the professional development becomes an integral part of the teaching and learning process, thereby ensuring a more successful adoption of educational change.



背景信息虽然向其他国家/地区的流动已成为高等教育计划的一部分,但职业教育与培训的学习者并未以相同的程度参加。欧洲职业教育和培训学分制度(ECVET)在学习成果的转移,认可和积累方面提供的可能性可能有助于改变这一状况。然而,鉴于教师在学习成果,学习活动和评估方面为这种流动性的准备工作所需要发挥的作用,这需要教师的大量参与。方法本文考虑了教师在这方面的专业发展需求, Erasmus +战略合作伙伴关系(QUAKE)的成果,旨在促进许多欧洲国家的教师专业发展和学习者ECVET流动性。