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Trust makes this organisation unique
European Journal of Futures Research ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2016-12-01 , DOI: 10.1007/s40309-016-0095-z
Sofi Kurki , Markku Wilenius

Modes of organising have an indirect relationship with the new key technologies as enablers of new forms of organisation. The effect is two-fold: first the emergent technologies bring more efficiency to traditional organising, while at the same time inspiring ideas about new ways to approach the everyday life of organisations. Secondly, the metaphors and models based on new technology are applied to building new forms of organisational interaction. In this article we argue that the metaphors that are currently beginning to affect organisations on a larger scale are derived from networked communication technology. Pentti Malaska, a Finnish Futures Researcher, based his theory of societal change on the idea that societal forms build upon one another as a succession of needs that remain unfulfilled by the previous stage of development. He presents the next stage as society of intangible needs, where the focus of human activities will move to interaction between people. We present the results of an investigation of two case studies: Finnish IT-consultancy firm Reaktor, and Buurtzorg, a Dutch home care organisation. They both have adopted networked practices that question the traditional command and control management structures, and replace them with self-organisation, social control, and trust. In our research we are focusing especially on how technology affects the way these organisations approach their employees and clients. These empirical findings are reflected against the theory of society of intangible needs for contextualising the results, and drawing out their potential implications for the organisations and working life in the coming decades.



组织模式与作为新组织形式的推动者的新关键技术之间存在间接关系。其效果是双重的:首先,新兴技术为传统组织带来了更高的效率,同时激发了人们探索组织日常生活的新方法的想法。其次,将基于新技术的隐喻和模型应用于构建组织交互的新形式。在本文中,我们认为,当前开始对组织产生较大影响的隐喻源自网络通信技术。芬兰期货研究员Pentti Malaska的社会变革理论基于这样的思想,即社会形式相互依存,是一连串的需求,而这些需求在上一个发展阶段仍无法满足。他提出了无形需求社会的下一个阶段,人类活动的重点将转移到人与人之间的互动上。我们提供了两个案例研究的调查结果:芬兰IT咨询公司Reaktor和荷兰家庭护理组织Buurtzorg。他们都采用了网络化的做法,对传统的指挥和控制管理结构提出了质疑,并用自组织,社会控制和信任来代替它们。在我们的研究中,我们特别关注技术如何影响这些组织与员工和客户打交道的方式。这些经验性发现与社会无形需求理论相结合,以使结果具有背景性,并指出其对未来几十年的组织和工作生活的潜在影响。