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Fine to follow-on? Private anti-trust actions in European law
China-EU Law Journal Pub Date : 2017-02-13 , DOI: 10.1007/s12689-016-0074-7
Thomas Thiede

If an undertaking infringes European or national competition law, the infringers must reckon with a large range of possible sanctions, of both a public law and a private law nature. Regarding the latter, we take note in this paper of anti-trust actions for damages by private claimants, which have become ever more significant in the anti-trust debate. Against a background of divergent developments in the European Member States, the European legislator has adopted Directive 2014/104/EU (Directive 2014/104/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 November 2014 on certain rules governing actions for damages under national law for infringements of the competition law provisions of the Member States and of the European Union Text with EEA relevance, OJ 2014 L 349, 1 ff (DADA)), with the aim of facilitating the full compensation of damage suffered by those affected by violations of European or national competition law, and to coordinate public and private enforcement measures. The Member States must implement this Directive into their national systems. This paper gives an overview of the Directive, analyses its most important provisions, and then discusses the international issues raised in cases concerning cross-border anti-competitive activities.



如果企业违反了欧洲或国家竞争法,则侵权者必须考虑公法和私法性质的各种可能的制裁措施。关于后者,我们在本文中注意到针对私人索赔人的损害赔偿的反托拉斯诉讼,在反托拉斯辩论中,这已变得越来越重要。在欧洲成员国的事态发展不同的背景下,欧洲立法者通过了2014/104 / EU指令(2014年11月26日欧洲议会和理事会的2014/104 / EU指令),该指令规定了根据违反成员国竞争法规定的国家法律和与EEA相关的欧盟文本,OJ 2014 L 349,第1页(DADA),目的是促进对因违反欧洲或国家竞争法而受到影响的人所遭受的损害给予充分赔偿,并协调公共和私人执法措施。成员国必须在其国家系统中实施该指令。本文概述了该指令,分析了其最重要的规定,然后讨论了有关跨境反竞争活动的国际问题。