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General Theory and Global Criminology: Childhood Environments, Problem Behaviors, and a Focus on Prevention
Asian Journal of Criminology ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2018-08-21 , DOI: 10.1007/s11417-018-9275-z
Michael R. Gottfredson

General theories of crime and delinquency are tested in part by their ability to explain the empirical findings of cross-national research. Systematic research using comparable survey methods provides a rich body of data from many countries and settings that inform such tests. There are several aspects of the general theory proposed by Gottfredson and Hirschi (1990) that facilitate the idea of global criminology which, coupled with this growing research literature, support the idea of general theories of crime. These include use of a “crime-free” definition for dependent variables, disciplinary-free assumptions about human nature, appreciating the distinction between propensities and events in crime theory, incorporating the burgeoning empirical literature from many disciplines stressing the importance of childhood environments and self-control, and focusing on recent successful prevention efforts. A set of research needs stimulated by modern global criminology are also proposed.



犯罪和犯罪的一般理论部分通过它们解释跨国研究的实证结果的能力来检验。使用可比调查方法的系统研究提供了来自许多国家和环境的丰富数据,为此类测试提供了信息。Gottfredson 和 Hirschi (1990) 提出的一般理论的几个方面促进了全球犯罪学的思想,再加上不断增长的研究文献,支持犯罪一般理论的思想。这些包括对因变量使用“无犯罪”定义、关于人性的无学科假设、欣赏犯罪理论中倾向和事件之间的区别、结合来自许多学科的新兴经验文献,强调童年环境和自我的重要性。 -控制,并专注于最近成功的预防工作。还提出了一系列由现代全球犯罪学激发的研究需求。