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Iconoclasm and Imagination: Gaston Bachelard’s Philosophy of Technoscience
Human Studies ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-13 , DOI: 10.1007/s10746-019-09529-z
Hub Zwart

Gaston Bachelard (1884–1962) occupies a unique position in the history of European thinking. As a philosopher of science, he developed a profound interest in genres of the imagination, notably poetry and novels. While emphatically acknowledging the strength, precision and reliability of scientific knowledge compared to every-day experience, he saw literary phantasies as important supplementary sources of insight. Although he significantly influenced authors such as Lacan, Althusser, Foucault and others, while some of his key concepts (“epistemological rupture,” “epistemological obstacle,” “technoscience”) are still widely used, his oeuvre tends to be overlooked. And yet, as I will argue, Bachelard’s extended series of books opens up an intriguing perspective on contemporary science. First, I will point to a remarkable duality that runs through Bachelard’s oeuvre. His philosophy of science consists of two sub-oeuvres: a psychoanalysis of technoscience, complemented by a poetics of elementary imagination. I will point out how these two branches deal with complementary themes: technoscientific artefacts and literary fictions, two realms of human experience separated by an epistemological rupture. Whereas Bachelard’s work initially entails a panegyric in praise of scientific practice, he becomes increasingly intrigued by the imaginary and its basic images (“archetypes”), such as the Mother Earth archetype.



Gaston Bachelard (1884–1962) 在欧洲思想史上占有独特的地位。作为一名科学哲学家,他对想象的体裁产生了浓厚的兴趣,尤其是诗歌和小说。在强调与日常经验相比科学知识的力量、精确性和可靠性的同时,他将文学幻想视为洞察力的重要补充来源。尽管他对拉康、阿尔都塞、福柯等作家产生了重大影响,而他的一些关键概念(“认识论断裂”、“认识论障碍”、“技术科学”)仍然被广泛使用,但他的作品往往被忽视。然而,正如我将要论证的那样,巴什拉德的扩展系列书籍为当代科学开辟了一个有趣的视角。第一的,我将指出贯穿 Bachelard 全部作品的非凡二元性。他的科学哲学由两个子作品组成:技术科学的精神分析,辅以基本想象的诗学。我将指出这两个分支如何处理互补的主题:技术科学人工制品和文学小说,这两个人类经验领域被认识论断裂分开。Bachelard 的作品最初是对科学实践的赞美,但他对想象及其基本图像(“原型”)越来越感兴趣,例如地球母亲原型。技术科学的人工制品和文学小说,人类经验的两个领域,被认识论的断裂分开。Bachelard 的作品最初是对科学实践的赞美,但他对想象及其基本图像(“原型”)越来越感兴趣,例如地球母亲原型。技术科学的人工制品和文学小说,人类经验的两个领域,被认识论的断裂分开。Bachelard 的作品最初是对科学实践的赞美,但他对想象及其基本图像(“原型”)越来越感兴趣,例如地球母亲原型。