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Saving Face and Atrocities: Sequence Expansions and Indirectness in Television Interviews
Human Studies ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-07-22 , DOI: 10.1007/s10746-019-09519-1
Majlinda Bregasi

This article addresses the conversational process taking place during a TV interview in which the contrast shows up between the canonical procedure overseeing the succession and nature of conversational roles and turn-takings in contemporary media contexts and the preservation of an atavistic attitude tied to a traditional culture, Albanian tradition of oda. The discourse in these chambers is a revered phenomenon in the Albanian culture. The interviewee uses the traditional code of oral communication in the oda as a strategy for saving his honour in public, while the interviewer uses another code, the language of investigative journalism. In this paper, a detailed analysis of this interview shows how the sequences built on a basic adjacency pair operate to allow the interviewee to attempt to save face in a compromising situation. We see how the oda structures override normal turn-taking rules and how the face-work process (Goffman Interaction ritual. Essays on the face-to-face behavior, Doubleday, New York, 1967 ) is reflected in expanded sequences. We consider this topic as an extension of a potential CA analysis when describing how cultural forms with different procedural rules affect general turn-taking.



本文讨论了在电视采访中发生的对话过程,其中对比显示了在当代媒体环境中监督对话角色和轮换的继承和性质的规范程序与保留与传统文化相关的返祖态度之间的对比, 阿尔巴尼亚传统的 oda。这些房间里的​​话语在阿尔巴尼亚文化中是一种受人尊敬的现象。受访者使用 oda 中传统的口头交流准则作为在公共场合保存荣誉的策略,而访谈者使用另一种准则,即调查性新闻的语言。在本文中,对这次访谈的详细分析显示了建立在基本邻接对上的序列如何运作,以允许受访者在妥协的情况下尝试挽回面子。我们看到 oda 结构如何超越正常的轮流转换规则,以及面对面工作的过程(Goffman 互动仪式。关于面对面行为的论文,Doubleday,纽约,1967 年)如何反映在扩展序列中。在描述具有不同程序规则的文化形式如何影响一般话轮转换时,我们将此主题视为潜在 CA 分析的扩展。