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Resource and Network Predictors of Multiple Volunteering Cessations: Implications for Social Policy and Practice
Clinical Social Work Journal ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-04 , DOI: 10.1007/s10615-020-00748-x
Huei-Wern Shen , Yi Wang , Roger Wong , Takashi Amano

The benefits of volunteering are well-documented, however, studies specifically investigating the cessation of volunteering in old age are relatively limited, especially on multiple stops of volunteering. The present study explores the number of times older people stop volunteering over 14 years, and examines its association with financial resources, health, family demands, social networks, neighborhood environment as well as the sociodemographic characteristics. Using eight-wave data from the Health and Retirement Study, the sample included 3914 volunteers who were 50 + in 1998 and were alive throughout 2012. Among the sample, 32.75% never stopped volunteering, 41.47% stopped once, 20.77% stopped twice, and 5.01% stopped three times. Findings from Poisson regression models indicated that respondents who were older, less educated, less religious, had lower income at baseline, later developed cognitive problems, became caregivers, and had no friends living nearby were more likely to stop volunteering multiple times. Findings from the present study suggest retaining volunteers by adjusting volunteering responsibilities for older volunteers who are more vulnerable to volunteering cessation and encouraging continued commitment by maximizing their friendship and religious networks.



志愿服务的好处是有据可查的,但是,专门调查老年停止志愿服务的研究相对有限,尤其是在多次停止志愿服务方面。本研究探讨了 14 岁以上老年人停止志愿服务的次数,并检查其与财务资源、健康、家庭需求、社交网络、邻里环境以及社会人口特征的关联。使用健康与退休研究的八波数据,样本包括 3914 名 1998 年 50 岁以上、2012 年全年还活着的志愿者。 在样本中,32.75% 从未停止过志愿服务,41.47% 停止过一次,20.77% 停止过两次,以及5.01% 停了 3 次。泊松回归模型的结果表明,年龄较大、受教育程度较低、宗教信仰较少的受访者,基线时收入较低,后来出现认知问题,成为照顾者,并且附近没有朋友,更有可能多次停止志愿服务。本研究的结果表明,通过调整更容易停止志愿服务的老年志愿者的志愿职责来留住志愿者,并通过最大限度地扩大他们的友谊和宗教网络来鼓励他们继续做出承诺。