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Towards a human-centred participatory approach to child social care recordkeeping
Archival Science ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-15 , DOI: 10.1007/s10502-020-09338-9
Elizabeth Shepherd , Victoria Hoyle , Elizabeth Lomas , Andrew Flinn , Anna Sexton

In 2019, there were over 75,000 children and young people in out-of-home care in England and Wales. Recent estimates suggest that up to half a million British people were in state or voluntary care as children, around 1% of the adult population. While individual experiences vary enormously by time and place, care-experienced people share in common the intensive documentation of their lives by social workers, educators, health professionals and associated practitioners. A complex, fragmented legislative and regulatory framework governs the creation and use of these records at the national level. Under UK law, a ‘care file’ must be retained for at least 75 years, so that a substantial legacy of care data is held across the public, voluntary and private sectors. MIRRA: Memory—Identity—Rights in Records—Access , a participatory research project co-produced with care leavers, investigated recordkeeping practices in child social care from multiple perspectives. Interviews, focus groups and workshops with stakeholders identified critical failings in the creation, use, management and access to care records, which do not account for the needs and capabilities of multiple stakeholders. These failings have a direct impact on the well-being and health of care-experienced people throughout their lives. MIRRA researchers developed a human-centred participatory recordkeeping approach to child social care, which this article describes. The approach combines the participatory continuum model (Rolan in Arch Sci 17(3):195–225. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10502-016-9267-7, 2017) and the capabilities approach to social work, rooting child social care recordkeeping in information rights principles. The article makes a contribution to the literature that discusses archival science within a human rights and ethics framework and reflects on trauma-informed practice for information professionals. It also provides guidance on practice improvements for child social care recording.



2019年,英格兰和威尔士有超过75,000名儿童和年轻人在家庭外照料中。最近的估计表明,多达半百万英国人在儿童时期受到州或义务照料,约占成年人口的1%。尽管个人经历因时间和地点而千差万别,但有护理经验的人们会共同分享社会工作者,教育工作者,卫生专业人员和相关从业人员对生活的详尽记录。复杂,零散的立法和监管框架在国家一级管理着这些记录的创建和使用。根据英国法律,“护理档案”必须保留至少75年,以便在公共,自愿和私营部门中保存大量的护理数据。 MIRRA:内存-身份-记录中的权利-访问 与看护人共同参与的一项参与性研究项目,从多个角度研究了儿童社会照护的记录保存做法。与利益相关者的访谈,焦点小组和讲习班确定了在创建,使用,管理和访问护理记录方面的重大缺陷,这些缺陷并未考虑多个利益相关者的需求和能力。这些失败对有护理经验的人们的一生都有直接的影响。 MIRRA的 研究人员开发了一种以人为中心的参与式记录保存儿童社会护理的方法,本文对此进行了介绍。该方法结合了参与连续模型(罗兰在拱科学17(3):195-225 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10502-016-9267-7(2017年)和能力方法进行社会工作,将儿童社会护理记录保存植根于信息权原则。本文对在人权和道德框架内讨论档案科学并反思信息专业人员遭受创伤的实践的文献做出了贡献。它还为改善儿童社会护理记录的实践提供了指导。