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Salvaging the Trans-Pacific Partnership: building blocks for regional and multilateral trade opening?
Asia Europe Journal ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2017-11-02 , DOI: 10.1007/s10308-017-0487-0
Matthias Helble

The high hopes that the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) would open up trade across the Pacific were dashed by the decision of the new US Government under President Trump to withdraw from the agreement in January 2017. Despite being controversial, the TPP had been recognized as an agreement that substantially updates and extends international trade rules responding to new technological developments and economic realities. It was thus lauded by some as the first true twenty-first century trade agreement. The United States’ withdrawal from TPP gives the agreement an uncertain future. Yet, we argue in this paper that some achievements of the TPP might not be lost. The TPP offers important lessons for other ambitious regional trade deals both in terms of process and content. Furthermore, several chapters of the TPP can become blueprints for ongoing and upcoming negotiations at the multilateral level. A one-to-one transposition of TPP provisions into the multilateral trade agreement is unlikely, yet certain provisions could serve as valuable inspiration for future multilateral trade talks.



特朗普总统领导下的美国新政府于 2017 年 1 月决定退出跨太平洋伙伴关系协定(TPP),打破了对跨太平洋伙伴关系协定 (TPP) 开放跨太平洋贸易的寄予厚望。 尽管存在争议,但 TPP 已得到认可作为一项根据新技术发展和经济现实大幅更新和扩展国际贸易规则的协议。因此,它被一些人誉为第一个真正的 21 世纪贸易协定。美国退出TPP给该协议带来了不确定的未来。然而,我们在本文中认为,TPP 的某些成就可能不会丢失。TPP 在流程和内容方面为其他雄心勃勃的区域贸易协定提供了重要的经验教训。此外,TPP 的几个章节可以成为正在进行和即将进行的多边谈判的蓝图。不太可能将 TPP 条款一对一地转换到多边贸易协定中,但某些条款可以为未来的多边贸易谈判提供宝贵的启发。