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Environmental sensing and regulation of motility in Toxoplasma
Molecular Microbiology ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-05 , DOI: 10.1111/mmi.14661
Alessandro D Uboldi 1, 2 , Mary-Louise Wilde 1, 2 , Stefanie M Bader 1 , Christopher J Tonkin 1, 2

Toxoplasma and other apicomplexan parasites undergo a unique form of cellular locomotion referred to as “gliding motility.” Gliding motility is crucial for parasite survival as it powers tissue dissemination, host cell invasion and egress. Distinct environmental cues lead to activation of gliding motility and have become a prominent focus of recent investigation. Progress has been made toward understanding what environmental cues are sensed and how these signals are transduced in order to regulate the machinery and cellular events powering gliding motility. In this review, we will discuss new findings and integrate these into our current understanding to propose a model of how environmental sensing is achieved to regulate gliding motility in Toxoplasma. Collectively, these findings also have implications for the understanding of gliding motility across Apicomplexa more broadly.



弓形虫和其他顶复体寄生虫经历一种独特的细胞运动形式,称为“滑动运动”。滑翔运动对于寄生虫的生存至关重要,因为它为组织传播、宿主细胞入侵和逃逸提供了动力。不同的环境线索会导致滑翔运动的激活,并已成为最近调查的一个突出焦点。在了解感知到的环境线索以及这些信号如何转导以调节驱动滑翔运动的机械和细胞事件方面取得了进展。在这篇综述中,我们将讨论新的发现并将这些整合到我们目前的理解中,以提出一个如何实现环境感知来调节弓形虫滑动运动的模型. 总的来说,这些发现也对更广泛地理解 Apicomplexa 的滑动运动有影响。