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Pogostemon guamensis Lorence & W.L.Wagner (Lamiaceae), a new species from Guam, Mariana Islands
PhytoKeys ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-04 , DOI: 10.3897/phytokeys.169.58107
David H Lorence 1 , Warren L Wagner 2 , Kenneth R Wood 1 , Gabriel Johnson 2

While undertaking a botanical survey of the Andersen Air Force Base on Guam (Mariana Islands) in 1994, botanists from the National Tropical Botanical Garden collected an unusual suffrutescent, non-aromatic member of the Lamiaceae family growing on limestone cliffs in the northeastern part of the island. Based on morphology and molecular data (trnLF, matK), it was determined to belong to the genus Pogostemon Desf., a genus previously unknown from the Micronesian, Melanesian, and Polynesian region. Moreover, the analysis also showed that it was not conspecific with P. cablin (patchouli), and of the species available to include in the phylogenetic analyses it is sister to P. hirsutus¸ a species from India and Sri Lanka. Differing from its congeners by its large, loose inflorescence 2.5–5 cm wide and up to 7 cm wide in fruit, it is here illustrated and described as a new species, Pogostemon guamensis Lorence & W.L. Wagner and its habitat and conservation status are discussed.


Pogostemon guamensis Lorence & WLWagner(唇形科),来自马里亚纳群岛关岛的新种

1994 年,国家热带植物园的植物学家在对关岛(马里亚纳群岛)的安德森空军基地进行植物学调查时,收集了一种生长在关岛东北部石灰岩悬崖上的唇形科植物,其形状不寻常,呈半果状,非芳香族。岛。根据形态和分子数据(trnLF、matK),它被确定属于 Pogostemon Desf. 属,这是一个以前未知的来自密克罗尼西亚、美拉尼西亚和波利尼西亚地区的属。此外,分析还表明,它与 P. cablin(广藿香)不是同种的,并且在可纳入系统发育分析的物种中,它是 P. hirsutus(来自印度和斯里兰卡的物种)的姐妹。与同类植物不同的是,它的花序大而松散,宽 2.5-5 厘米,果实宽达 7 厘米,这里将其作为一个新物种进行说明和描述,Pogostemon guamensis Lorence & WL Wagner 及其栖息地和保护状况进行了讨论。