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Constraint on Hybrid Stars with Gravitational Wave Events
Universe ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-04 , DOI: 10.3390/universe6120231
Kilar Zhang , Feng-Li Lin

Motivated by the recent discoveries of compact objects from LIGO/Virgo observations, we study the possibility of identifying some of these objects as compact stars made of dark matter called dark stars, or the mix of dark and nuclear matters called hybrid stars. In particular, in GW190814, a new compact object with 2.6 M is reported. This could be the lightest black hole, the heaviest neutron star, and a dark or hybrid star. In this work, we extend the discussion on the interpretations of the recent LIGO/Virgo events as hybrid stars made of various self-interacting dark matter (SIDM) in the isotropic limit. We pay particular attention to the saddle instability of the hybrid stars which will constrain the possible SIDM models.



受LIGO / Virgo观测中最近发现的致密物体的启发,我们研究了将其中一些物体识别为由暗物质制成的致密星(称为暗星)或将暗物质与核物质的混合物称为混合星的可能性。特别是在GW190814中,新的带有2.6的紧凑对象中号被报道。这可能是最亮的黑洞,最重的中子星以及黑暗或混合星。在这项工作中,我们扩展了对最近LIGO /处女座事件的解释的讨论,这些事件是由在各向同性极限内由各种自相互作用暗物质(SIDM)组成的混合星。我们特别注意混合星的鞍形不稳定性,这将限制可能的SIDM模型。