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The role of collaborative research in learning to incorporate values of the public in social–ecological system governance: case study of bushfire risk planning
Ecology and Society ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-01 , DOI: 10.5751/es-11987-250431
Kathryn J. H. Williams , Rebecca M. Ford , Andrea Rawluk

Values of the public are a key and dynamic component of bushfire governance SES. Learning to work with these values is a significant challenge for government and environmental managers and an important aspect of policy transition in many contexts. During such transitions, collaborative research can play a key role in social learning, but this may be particularly challenging for agencies with dominant expertise in technical and ecological domains. We examined how collaborative research supported social learning to incorporate values of the public in bushfire governance in the State of Victoria, Australia. Following disruption of a major bushfire, new policy directions were established, including greater attention to expectations and participation of communities in bushfire management. Among other actions, the state environmental agency supported this policy transition by establishing a 3-year research collaboration to better understand and incorporate values of the public in their decision making. As both participants and observers of this research, we analyzed publications, unpublished internal reports, and notes from meetings and workshops to identify how the collaborative research facilitated and constrained learning. Analysis revealed how collaborative research presents interruptions in the form of questioning of plans and routines (including of researchers), joint concept development, collection and sharing of new information, tensions within the research collaboration, idea generation building on research insights, and action research to develop new tools or frameworks. These forms of disruption operated in different ways, involving different groups of actors, levels of collaboration, and opportunities for feedback, and these in turn had implications for the forms of learning that occurred. Collaborative research also identified constraints to learning that, in some instances, set the stage for further learning, for example through capacity building and further research.



公众的价值观是丛林火灾治理 SES 的关键和动态组成部分。学习运用这些价值观对政府和环境管理者来说是一项重大挑战,也是许多情况下政策转型的一个重要方面。在这种转变过程中,合作研究可以在社会学习中发挥关键作用,但这对于在技术和生态领域具有主导专业知识的机构来说可能尤其具有挑战性。我们研究了合作研究如何支持社会学习,以将公众的价值观融入澳大利亚维多利亚州的丛林大火治理中。重大森林大火被扑灭后,制定了新的政策方向,包括更加关注社区对森林大火管理的期望和参与。在其他行动中,国家环境局通过建立为期 3 年的研究合作来支持这一政策转变,以更好地了解公众的价值观并将其纳入决策中。作为这项研究的参与者和观察者,我们分析了出版物、未发表的内部报告以及会议和研讨会的笔记,以确定合作研究如何促进和限制学习。分析揭示了合作研究如何以质疑计划和惯例(包括研究人员)、联合概念开发、新信息的收集和共享、研究合作中的紧张局势、基于研究见解的创意产生以及行动研究的形式出现中断。开发新的工具或框架。这些形式的破坏以不同的方式运作,涉及不同的参与者群体、合作水平和反馈机会,而这些反过来又会对所发生的学习形式产生影响。合作研究还确定了学习的制约因素,在某些情况下,这些制约因素为进一步学习奠定了基础,例如通过能力建设和进一步研究。