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Penicillium italicum: An Underexplored Postharvest Pathogen
Frontiers in Microbiology ( IF 5.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-06 , DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2020.606852
Aline Midori Kanashiro , Daniel Yuri Akiyama , Katia Cristina Kupper , Taícia Pacheco Fill

In the agricultural sector, citrus is one of the most important fruit genus in the world. In this scenario, Brazil is the largest producer of oranges; 34% of the global production, and exporter of concentrated orange juice; 76% of the juice consumed in the planet, summing up US$ 6.5 billion to Brazilian GDP. However, the orange production has been considerable decreasing due to unfavorable weather conditions in recent years and the increasing number of pathogen infections. One of the main citrus post-harvest phytopathogen is Penicillium italicum, responsible for the blue mold disease, which is currently controlled by pesticides, such as Imazalil, Pyrimethanil, Fludioxonil, and Tiabendazole, which are toxic chemicals harmful to the environment and also to human health. In addition, P. italicum has developed considerable resistance to these chemicals as a result of widespread applications. To address this growing problem, the search for new control methods of citrus post-harvest phytopathogens is being extensively explored, resulting in promising new approaches such as biocontrol methods as “killer” yeasts, application of essential oils, and antimicrobial volatile substances. The alternative methodologies to control P. italicum are reviewed here, as well as the fungal virulence factors and infection strategies. Therefore, this review will focus on a general overview of recent research carried out regarding the phytopathological interaction of P. italicum and its citrus host.



在农业领域,柑橘是世界上最重要的水果属之一。在这种情况下,巴西是最大的橙子生产国。浓缩橙汁的全球生产和出口的34%;地球上消耗的果汁占76%,为巴西GDP总计达65亿美元。但是,由于近年来的恶劣天气和病原体感染数量的增加,橙子的产量已大大减少。柑橘收获后的主要植物病原之一是意大利青霉,是造成蓝霉病的原因。目前,蓝霉病是由农药控制的,例如依玛沙利,嘧菌胺,氟苯恶唑和噻苯达唑,它们是对环境和人体健康有害的有毒化学物质。此外,意大利青霉由于广泛的应用,已对这些化学品产生了相当大的抵抗力。为了解决这个日益严重的问题,正在广泛探索寻找柑橘收获后植物病原体的新控制方法,从而催生了有前途的新方法,例如“杀手”酵母的生物控制方法,精油的应用和抗微生物挥发性物质。控制的替代方法意大利青霉在这里进行了综述,以及真菌毒力因子和感染策略。因此,本综述将侧重于有关植物的病理生理相互作用的最新研究的总体概述。意大利青霉 和它的柑橘寄主。
