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Comparison of Major Sudden Stratospheric Warming Impacts on the Mid-Latitude Mesosphere Based on Local Microwave Radiometer CO Observations in 2018 and 2019
Remote Sensing ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-03 , DOI: 10.3390/rs12233950
Yu Shi , Valerii Shulga , Oksana Ivaniha , Yuke Wang , Oleksandr Evtushevsky , Gennadi Milinevsky , Andrew Klekociuk , Aleksey Patoka , Wei Han , Dmitry Shulga

In this paper, a comparison of the impact of major sudden stratospheric warmings (SSWs) in the Arctic in February 2018 (SSW1) and January 2019 (SSW2) on the mid-latitude mesosphere is given. The mesospheric carbon monoxide (CO) and zonal wind in these two major SSW events were observed at altitudes of 70–85 km using a microwave radiometer (MWR) at Kharkiv, Ukraine (50.0°N, 36.3°E). Data from ERA-Interim and MERRA-2 reanalyses and Aura Microwave Limb Sounder measurements were also used. It is shown that: (i) The differences between SSW1 and SSW2, in terms of local variability in zonal wind, temperature, and CO in the stratosphere and mesosphere, were clearly defined by the polar vortex (westerly in cyclonic circulation) and mid-latitude anticyclone (easterly) migrating over the MWR station, therefore; (ii) mesospheric intrusions of CO-rich air into the stratosphere over the Kharkiv region occurred only occasionally, (iii) the larger zonal wave 1–3 amplitudes before SSW1 were followed by weaker polar vortex recovery than that after SSW2, (iv) the strong vortex recovery after SSW2 was supported by earlier event timing (midwinter) favoring vortex cooling due to low solar irradiance and enhanced zonal circulation, and (v) vortex strengthening after SSW2 was accompanied by wave 1–3 amplification in March 2019, which was absent after SSW1. Finally, the influence of the large-scale circulation structures formed in individual major SSW events on the locally recorded characteristics of the atmosphere is discussed.



本文比较了2018年2月(SSW1)和2019年1月(SSW2)北极平流层主要突然变暖对中纬度中层层的影响。在乌克兰哈尔科夫(50.0°N,36.3°E)用微波辐射计(MWR)在70-85 km的高度观测到了这两个主要SSW事件中的中层一氧化碳(CO)和纬向风。还使用了来自ERA-Interim和MERRA-2重新分析的数据以及Aura微波肢体测深仪的测量结果。结果表明:(i)平流层和中层中纬向风,温度和一氧化碳的局部变化方面,SSW1和SSW2之间的差异由极地涡旋(在气旋环流中向西)和因此,纬度反气旋(东部)在MWR站上迁移;(ii)富含CO的空气进入哈尔科夫地区平流层的中层侵入只是偶尔发生的;(iii)SSW1之前较大的纬向波1-3振幅随后是弱于SSW2之后的极地涡旋恢复,(iv) SSW2后强烈的涡旋恢复受到早期事件时间(冬季)的支持,这是由于较低的太阳辐照度和增强的纬向环流而有利于涡旋冷却,以及(v)SSW2之后的涡旋强化伴随有2019年3月的1-3波放大,但没有出现在SSW1之后。最后,讨论了在个别重大西南海事件中形成的大规模环流结构对当地记录的大气特征的影响。(iii)SSW1之前的大地带波1-3振幅比SSW2之后的极小涡旋恢复较弱;(iv)SSW2之后的强涡旋恢复受较早的事件时机(冬季)支持,这是由于太阳辐射低而有利于涡旋冷却辐照度和增强的地带环流,以及(v)SSW2之后的涡旋增强伴随有2019年3月的1-3波放大,而SSW1之后则没有。最后,讨论了在单个主要南海事件中形成的大规模环流结构对局部记录的大气特征的影响。(iii)SSW1之前的大地带波1-3振幅比SSW2之后的极小涡旋恢复较弱;(iv)SSW2之后的强涡旋恢复受较早的事件时机(冬季)支持,这是由于太阳辐射低而有利于涡旋冷却辐照度和增强的地带环流,以及(v)SSW2之后的涡旋增强伴随有2019年3月的1-3波放大,而SSW1之后则没有。最后,讨论了在个别重大西南海事件中形成的大规模环流结构对当地记录的大气特征的影响。(v)SSW2之后的涡旋强化伴随有2019年3月的1-3波放大,而SSW1之后则没有。最后,讨论了在个别重大西南海事件中形成的大规模环流结构对当地记录的大气特征的影响。(v)在SSW2之后的涡旋强化伴随着2019年3月的1-3波放大,而在SSW1之后则没有。最后,讨论了在个别重大西南海事件中形成的大规模环流结构对当地记录的大气特征的影响。