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Foliar Applied Zinc and Iron Effects on Yield and Yield Components of Soybean: Determination by PCA Analysis
Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-02 , DOI: 10.1080/00103624.2020.1854297
Cenk Burak Şahin 1 , Necmi İşler 1

ABSTRACT In this study, the effects of zinc and iron treatments in different growth stages on yield and yield components of soybean (Glycine max L.) plants were evaluated by principal component analysis (PCA). Field experiments were conducted over during the second crop seasons of the years 2018 and 2019. The experiment was designed as a split-split plot design with three replications. Three varieties of Arisoy, Bravo, and Nazlican were placed in main plots, growth stages of the soybean (V3, R1, R3) in subplots and foliar fertilizers (Zn, Fe, Zn+Fe) in sub-sub plots. Variance analysis revealed that all parameters were significant except the first pod length (2019) and 1000-seed weight (2019). PC1, PC2, and PC3 explained 84.50% of the total variation in 2018 and 86.10% in 2019. Zn + Fe mixture treatment could be recommended for foliar spray because the highest seed yields were obtained from Zn + Fe in both years.


叶面喷施锌和铁对大豆产量和产量成分的影响:PCA 分析测定

摘要 在本研究中,通过主成分分析 (PCA) 评估了不同生长阶段锌和铁处理对大豆 (Glycine max L.) 植物产量和产量构成的影响。田间试验在 2018 年和 2019 年的第二个作物季节进行。该试验设计为裂区设计,三个重复。Arisoy、Bravo 和 Nazlican 三个品种被放置在主地块中,子地块中的大豆生长阶段(V3、R1、R3)和子地块中的叶面肥(Zn、Fe、Zn+Fe)。方差分析显示,除第一个豆荚长度(2019 年)和 1000 粒种子重量(2019 年)外,所有参数均显着。PC1、PC2 和 PC3 分别解释了 2018 年和 2019 年总变异的 84.50% 和 86.10%。