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Geological Journal ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-02 , DOI: 10.1002/gj.4032

El Desoky, H. M., Shahin, T. M., Abu El‐Leil I., & Shafea E. A. (2020). Geology and mapping of laterites, South Eastern Desert, Egypt: Based on field and ASTER data approach. Geological Journal, 55(6), 4252–4264. https://doi.org/10.1002/gj.3640

In the above‐mentioned article, we would like to include the following information:
  1. Co‐authors 'Ibrahim Abu El‐Leil' and 'Ezzat A. Shafea' should have been inserted in author byline so it reads:Hatem M. El Desoky1, Taher M. Shahin1, Ibrahim Abu El‐Leil1 and Ezzat A. Shafea2

    The following affiliation has been added as well.2Mineral Resources Authority (Egyptian Geological Survey), Egypt

  2. In Acknowledgments section, the first two sentences should be deleted so it now reads:

    The authors are grateful to Mahmoud Hafez for the preparation of ASTER images of the study area. The manuscript was substantially improved by the helpful comments of two anonymous referees and Editor Prof. Gaoxue Yang.

  3. In Figure 1 caption, the reference citation “Conoco, 1987” should be corrected to “Abu El‐Leil, El‐Desoky, & Shafea, 2017; Abu El‐Leil & Shafea, 2017; Shafea, 2017” so it reads:

    FIGURE 1 Geologic map of wadi Dungash–wadi Shait area, South Eastern Desert, Egypt (modified after Abu El‐Leil, El‐Desoky, & Shafea, 2017; Abu El‐Leil & Shafea, 2017; Shafea, 2017)

  4. The reference citations “(Teniakov, Tsogoev, & Pokryshkin, 1973; Philobbos, Hassan, & El‐Din, 1975; Said, Sabet, Zalata, Teniakov, & Pokryshkin, 1976)” should have been inserted at the end of the paragraph in Section 3.4 so it reads:

    They are represented by fine‐ and coarse‐grained sandstones moderately hard, whereas the gritstone and conglomerate beds occur essentially at the basal parts (Teniakov, Tsogoev, & Pokryshkin, 1973; Philobbos, Hassan, & El‐Din, 1975; Said, Sabet, Zalata, Teniakov, & Pokryshkin, 1976).

  5. The following references should be added in the reference list:

    Abu El‐Leil, I., El‐Desoky, H. M., & Shafea, E. A. (2017). Geochemistry, diagenesis and mineral associations of laterite deposits along the contact zone of Precambrian basement rocks and Nubia Sandstone between Wadi Dungash and Wadi Shait, South Eastern Desert, Egypt. Journal of American Science, 13(8). http://www.jofamericanscience.org

    Abu El‐Leil, I., & Shafea, E. A. (2017). Geology and mineralogy of laterite deposits at the contact area of Precambrian basement rocks and Nubia Sandstone from Wadi Dungash and Wadi Shait, South Eastern Desert, Egypt. Annals of the Geological Survey of Egypt, 41, 134–157.

    Philobbos, E. R., Hassan, K., & El‐Din, K. (1975). The contribution of paleosol to Egyptian lithostratigraphy. Nature, 253(5486): 33‐33. https://doi.org/10.1038/253033a0

    Said, R., Sabet, A. H., Zalata, A., Teniakov, V. A., & Pokryshkin, V. I. (1976). A review of theories on the geological distribution of bauxite and their application for bauxite in Egypt. Annals of the Geological Survey of Egypt, 6, 6–32.

    Shafea, E. A. (2017). Geology, Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Contact Area of Nubian Sandstones and Basement Rocks between Wadi Dungash and Wadi Shait, South Eastern Desert, Egypt. Ph.D. Thesis, Faculty of Science, Al‐Azhar University.

    Teniakov, V. A., Tsogoev, V. B., & Pokryshkin, V. I. (1973). Recommendations on assessment of prospects for Bauxite presence in the A. R. E. and direction of reconnaissance‐prospection work, internal report No. 61/1973, Geol. Surv.

The online version of this article has been corrected.

We apologize for this omission.



El Desoky,HM,Shahin,TM,Abu El-Leil I.和Shafea EA(2020年)。埃及东南沙漠,红土的地质和制图:基于野外和ASTER数据方法。地质杂志55(6),4252-4264。https://doi.org/10.1002/gj.3640

  1. 合著者易卜拉欣·阿布·埃勒(Ebrat Abu El‐Leil)和埃扎特·A·沙菲亚(Ezzat A.Shafea)应该插入作者的署名中,因此应为:Hatem M.El Desoky 1,塔赫·M·沙辛1,易卜拉欣·阿布·埃勒伊1和易扎特A. Shafea 2


  2. 在“致谢”部分,应删除前两个句子,使其现在显示为:

    作者感谢Mahmoud Hafez准备研究区域的ASTER图像。两位匿名裁判和编辑杨高学教授的有益评论大大改善了手稿。

  3. 在图1标题中,参考引用“ Conoco,1987”应更正为“ Abu El-Leil,El-Desoky和Shafea,2017;阿布·埃雷尔(Abu El‐Leil)和莎菲亚(Shafea),2017年 Shafea,2017”这样写:


  4. 参考引文“(Teniakov,Tsogoev,&Pokryshkin,1973; Philobbos,Hassan,&El-Din,1975; Said,Sabet,Zalata,Teniakov,&Pokryshkin,1976)”应该在以下段落的末尾插入。第3.4节的内容如下:

    它们以中等硬度的细颗粒和粗颗粒砂岩为代表,而砂砾岩和砾岩层基本上发生在基底部分(Teniakov,Tsogoev和Pokryshkin,1973; Philobbos,Hassan和El-Din,1975; Said,Sabet, ,Zalata,Teniakov和Pokryshkin,1976年)。

  5. 以下参考应添加到参考列表中:

    I.Abu El-Leil,HM的El-Desoky和EA的Shafea(2017)。埃及东南沙漠Wadi Dungash和Wadi Shait之间的前寒武纪基底岩和Nubia砂岩接触带的红土矿床的地球化学,成岩作用和矿物结合。美国科学杂志,第13卷(8)。http://www.jofamericanscience.org

    I.Abu El-Leil和EA Shafea(2017)埃及东南沙漠Wadi Dungash和Wadi Shait的前寒武纪基底岩和Nubia砂岩接触区的红土矿床的地质和矿物学。志埃及的地质调查41,134-157。


    赛义德(R.),塞贝特(Sabet),AH,扎拉塔(A. 关于埃及铝土矿地质分布及其在铝土矿中的应用的理论综述。埃及地质调查年鉴,6,6–32。

    Shafea,EA(2017)。埃及东南沙漠瓦迪邓格什河和瓦迪沙伊特河之间努比亚砂岩和基底岩石接触区的地质,矿物学和地球化学。博士 阿尔阿扎尔大学理学院论文。



