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The formation of shoshonitic magma and its relationship to porphyry-type mineralisation: the Maronia pluton in NE Greece
Lithos ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.lithos.2020.105911
Anna Schaarschmidt , Reiner Klemd , Marcel Regelous , Panagiotis C. Voudouris , Vasilios Melfos , Karsten M. Haase

Abstract The Oligocene shoshonitic Maronia pluton in NE Greece is part of an age-progressive belt of calc-alkaline intrusions and associated with a porphyry Cu-Mo±Re±Au mineralisation. We present new data on mineral and whole rock compositions as well as Sr, Nd and Pb isotopes of the monzodioritic to granitic rocks from Maronia, including the mineralised microgranite, which crosscuts the main intrusion. The age progression of the plutons in NE Greece follows the southward-directed trench retreat implying that the magmas formed during subduction of continental lithosphere after the closure of the Pindos ocean. The shoshonitic magmas of Maronia were generated by hydrous melting of a phlogopite-bearing mantle that was enriched by 3-5% of slab-derived sediment melts. A lower degree of melting controls the higher K, LILE and incompatible element contents of the shoshonitic magmas in comparison to the neighbouring calc-alkaline magmas. The mafic shoshonitic rocks in NE Greece contain much higher P2O5 contents than the associated calc-alkaline magmas, which probably reflects subducted phosphate-rich sediments in their source. Constant Sr- and Nd-isotopes with increasing SiO2 contents imply minimal crustal assimilation and that felsic magmas including the mineralised porphyritic granite were generated by fractional crystallisation of mafic magmas. Amphibole and apatite analyses provide evidence for the intrusion of S-poor, Cl-rich magmas at 5 to 6 km depths, followed by rapid uplift and exsolution of magmatic fluids. Late granitic dikes at Maronia indicate that volatiles, sulphur and metals became enriched during the late stages of the magma evolution.


橄榄岩岩浆的形成及其与斑岩型矿化的关系:希腊东北部的 Maronia 岩体

摘要 位于希腊东北部的渐新世橄榄岩 Maronia 岩体是钙碱性侵入体的年龄渐进带的一部分,并与斑岩 Cu-Mo±Re±Au 矿化有关。我们提供了关于矿物和整个岩石成分的新数据,以及从 Maronia 到花岗岩的二闪长岩的 Sr、Nd 和 Pb 同位素,包括与主要侵入体横切的矿化微花岗岩。希腊东北部岩体的年龄进展遵循向南的海沟后退,这意味着岩浆是在平多斯洋闭合后大陆岩石圈俯冲期间形成的。Maronia 的橄榄玄质岩浆是由含金云母的地幔的含水熔融产生的,该地幔富含 3-5% 的板坯沉积物熔体。较低的熔化程度控制较高的 K,与邻近钙碱性岩浆相比,钾长石岩浆的 LILE 和不相容元素含量。希腊东北部的镁铁质橄榄玄武岩含有比相关钙碱性岩浆高得多的 P2O5 含量,这可能反映了其源头中富含磷酸盐的俯冲沉积物。随着 SiO2 含量的增加,恒定的 Sr 和 Nd 同位素意味着最小的地壳同化作用,包括矿化斑状花岗岩在内的长英质岩浆是由镁铁质岩浆的分步结晶产生的。角闪石和磷灰石分析为 5 至 6 公里深度的贫硫、富氯岩浆侵入提供了证据,随后岩浆流体迅速隆升和出溶。Maronia 的晚期花岗岩脉表明,在岩浆演化的后期阶段,挥发物、硫和金属变得富集。