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Peer review declaration
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering Pub Date : 2020-12-02 , DOI: 10.1088/1757-899x/990/1/011002

All papers published in this volume of IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering have been peer reviewed through processes administered by the Editors. Reviews were conducted by expert referees to the professional and scientific standards expected of a proceedings journal published by IOP Publishing.

Type of peer review: Type of peer-review is Single-blind.

Conference submission management system:

Conference submission management system is use website. Website can be accessed at https://esticfti.bunghatta.ac.id/. Corresponding author process by e-mail ESTIC: estic2020@bunghatta.ac.id.

Number of submissions received:

Number of submissions received about 52 manuscripts.

Number of submissions sent for review:

Number of submissions sent for review is 48 manuscipts.

Number of submissions accepted:

Number of submissions accepted is 34 paper.

Acceptance Rate (Number of Submissions Accepted / Number of Submissions Received X 100):

Acceptance rate = 34/52 x 100 = 65.38

Average number of reviews per paper:

Average number of reviews per paper = 48/52 x 100 = 92.31

Total number of reviewers involved:

Total number of reviewers = 6.

Any additional info on review process:

Contact person for queries:

1. Dr. Burmawi, S. T., M. Si. (+6282387464859, burmawi@bunghatta.ac.id)

2. Maria Ulfah, S. T., M. T. (+6281321437068, mariaulfah@bunghatta.ac.id)

3. Drs. Mulyanef, S. T., M. Sc. (+6281374005188, mulyanef@bunghatta.ac.id)

4. Budi Sunaryo, S. T., M. T. (+6281320777313, budi.sunaryo@bunghatta.ac.id)



在本卷IOP 会议系列:材料科学与工程中发表的所有论文均已通过编辑管理的流程进行了同行评审。专家审稿人对 IOP Publishing 出版的诉讼期刊所期望的专业和科学标准进行了审查。



会议提交管理系统是使用网站。可通过 https://esticfti.bunghatta.ac.id/ 访问网站。通讯作者通过电子邮件ESTIC处理:estic2020@bunghatta.ac.id。


收到的投稿数量约为 52 份手稿。


送审稿件数量为 48 份。


接受的提交数量为 34 篇论文。

接受率(接受的提交数/收到的提交数 X 100):

接受率 = 34/52 x 100 = 65.38


每篇论文的平均评论数 = 48/52 x 100 = 92.31


审稿人总数 = 6。



1. Burmawi 博士,ST,M. Si。(+6282387464859,burmawi@bunghatta.ac.id)

2. Maria Ulfah, ST, MT (+6281321437068, mariaulfah@bunghatta.ac.id)

3.博士。Mulyanef,ST,理学硕士。(+6281374005188, mulyanef@bunghatta.ac.id)

4. Budi Sunaryo,ST,MT(+6281320777313,budi.sunaryo@bunghatta.ac.id)
