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Effect of Culture on Gender Differences in Risky Driver Behavior through Comparative Analysis of 32 Countries
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-01 , DOI: 10.1177/0361198120970525
Marie-Axelle Granié 1 , Chloé Thévenet 1 , Florent Varet 2 , Myriam Evennou 1 , Noureddine Oulid-Azouz 1 , Craig Lyon 3 , Uta Meesmann 4, 5 , Robyn Robertson 3 , Katrien Torfs 4 , Ward Vanlaar 3 , Heather Woods-Fry 3 , Wouter Van den Berghe 4

This study examines the effect of culture on gender differences in road user risky behaviors. With the hypothesis that gender differences are not solely because of biological factors, and that the existence and magnitude of differences between gender groups vary according to cultural context, because of differentiated social expectations in relation to gender roles, a secondary analysis was made of the E-Survey of Road Users’ Attitudes (ESRA) 2018 database, comprising 25,459 car drivers (53% male) surveyed by an online questionnaire in 32 countries distributed in eight cultural clusters. The interactions between gender and culture in reported behavior, and personal and social acceptability of four violations were analyzed: drinking and driving, speeding, not wearing a seatbelt, and the use of a cellphone while driving. The results show significant gender differences on risky behaviors and attitudes and complex interactions between gender and culture, with men valuing crash-risk behaviors more than women do in all cultural clusters observed. Interactions between gender and culture are more frequent on declared behaviors and personal acceptability than on perceived social acceptability, and on drinking and driving, and not wearing a seatbelt, more than on speeding and the use of a cellphone while driving. In addition, gender differences are greater in Western countries than in the Global South. These gender differences in road user behaviors, attitudes, and perceptions as results of an interaction between biological and evolutionary factors and cultural and social factors are discussed. These results could be useful to better tailor road safety campaigns and education.



这项研究考察了文化对道路使用者危险行为中性别差异的影响。假设性别差异不仅是由于生物学因素造成的,而且性别群体之间差异的存在和程度会根据文化背景而变化,因为社会对性别角色的期望有所不同,因此对性别差异进行了二次分析。 -2018年道路使用者态度调查(ESRA)数据库,由25,459名汽车驾驶员(53%男性)通过在线问卷调查在32个国家/地区进行了调查,这些国家分布在八个文化集群中。分析了举报行为中性别与文化之间的相互作用,以及个人和社会对四种违规行为的接受程度:酒后驾车,超速,不系安全带以及驾车时使用手机。结果表明,在所有危险人群的危险行为和态度上存在明显的性别差异,并且性别与文化之间存在复杂的相互作用,在所有观察到的文化群体中,男性对碰撞风险行为的重视程度高于女性。性别和文化之间的相互作用在声明的行为和个人可接受性上比在社交上认可,饮酒和驾驶,不系安全带上更频繁,而不是在开车时提速和使用手机。此外,西方国家的性别差异比全球南方的性别差异更大。讨论了由于生物学和进化因素以及文化和社会因素之间相互作用而导致的道路使用者行为,态度和感知方面的性别差异。
