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Bedding behavior in goitered gazelles
Ethology Ecology & Evolution ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-01 , DOI: 10.1080/03949370.2020.1837965
David A. Blank 1, 2

Resting is an essential part of ungulate life that is very important for their comfort and welfare. The bed-site location is crucial for ungulate thermoregulation, concealment, and predation avoidance. The ground’s preparation of bed-sites before lying down allows ungulates to recover their energy in fairly comfortable conditions. The bedding behavior is a basic and common pattern in ungulates, but this behavior is still poorly understood. In this paper, I studied the bedding and resting behaviors in goitered gazelles (Gazella subgutturosa), which have not yet been investigated until now. I found: (a) goitered gazelles preferred the soft substrate of the dry river beds for their resting places all year round; (b) they searched for comfortable bed-sites with their muzzles lowered and pawed the bed-site with one or both front legs; (c) searching for the best position on the bed-site, they spun around on the bed-site for 90–360º before lying down; (d) scratching bed-sites with the front hooves served rather to increase the softness of the resting place in all seasons than for clearing snow in winter only; (e) the gazelles changed their body side periodically during long lying periods avoiding pressure sores; and (f) to help maintain muscle tone, they stretched their bodies after ending a long resting period. Main functions of bedding behavior and related movements are similar to other ungulate species, but some patterns in goitered gazelles were observed that were unknown resting behaviors of other ungulate species, such as spinning around on the bed-site before lying down and changing body sides during rest.



休息是有蹄类动物生活的重要组成部分,对他们的舒适和福祉非常重要。床位的位置对于有蹄类动物的温度调节,隐蔽和避免捕食至关重要。躺下前准备地面的床位使有蹄类动物可以在相当舒适的条件下恢复能量。床上用品的行为是有蹄类动物的一种基本且常见的模式,但这种行为仍知之甚少。在本文中,我研究了鹅瞪羚(Gazella subgutturosa)的卧具和休息行为),到目前为止尚未进行调查。我发现:(a)瞪羚的瞪羚一年四季都喜欢在干燥河床的软土地上作休憩之所;(b)他们放低口吻,寻找舒适的床位,并用一只或两只前脚将床位用脚爪钉住;(c)在床边寻找最佳位置,然后在躺下时在床边旋转90-360º;(d)在所有季节中,用前蹄抓挠床位都比增加在冬天除雪更能增加休息处的柔软度;(e)瞪羚在长时间躺卧期间定期改变身体侧面,避免压疮;(f)为帮助维持肌肉张力,他们在长时间休息后伸展了身体。
