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Spatially Disaggregated Cultural Consumption: Empirical Evidence of Cultural Sustainability from Austria
Sustainability ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-01 , DOI: 10.3390/su122310023
Michael Getzner

The determinants of cultural consumption are rarely explored by means of travel demand (i.e., travel cost) models. In this paper, the empirical results are presented in regard to the frequency of attendance to cultural events as an indicator of cultural sustainability. Approximately 50% of the respondents who participated in a representative household survey in Austria stated that they would participate in cultural events at least once a year. The average frequency of attendance came to about 3 to 4 times a year, depending on the kind of cultural event (e.g., drama/opera performances, museum visits, concerts in schools of music). The estimations support the notion that the distance from the respondent’s residence to the cultural event is negatively correlated with the frequency of attendance. Other determinants include the typical socio-economic characteristics of respondents (e.g., education, income). However, the availability of cultural infrastructure in urban or rural areas, as well as municipal cultural spending, are the main spatial and public finance variables influencing attendance frequency. Based on the econometric estimations of the travel cost model, the economic value of attending a cultural event (consumer surplus) varies from EUR 38 (cinema) to EUR 55 (theater, opera) on average. The results suggest that local and regional cultural infrastructure are significant contributors to cultural sustainability.



文化消费的决定因素很少通过旅行需求(即旅行成本)模型来探讨。在本文中,关于作为文化可持续性指标的文化活动出席频率的实证结果。参加奥地利代表性家庭调查的受访者中约有 50% 表示他们每年至少会参加一次文化活动。根据文化活动的类型(例如,戏剧/歌剧表演、博物馆参观、音乐学院音乐会),平均出席频率约为每年 3 至 4 次。这些估计支持这样一种观点,即从受访者的住所到文化活动的距离与出席频率呈负相关。其他决定因素包括受访者的典型社会经济特征(例如,教育、收入)。然而,城市或农村地区文化基础设施的可用性以及市政文化支出是影响出席频率的主要空间和公共财政变量。根据旅行成本模型的计量经济学估计,参加文化活动(消费者剩余)的经济价值平均从 38 欧元(电影院)到 55 欧元(剧院、歌剧)不等。结果表明,地方和区域文化基础设施是文化可持续性的重要贡献者。是影响出勤频率的主要空间和公共财政变量。根据旅行成本模型的计量经济学估计,参加文化活动(消费者剩余)的经济价值平均从 38 欧元(电影院)到 55 欧元(剧院、歌剧)不等。结果表明,地方和区域文化基础设施是文化可持续性的重要贡献者。是影响出勤频率的主要空间和公共财政变量。根据旅行成本模型的计量经济学估计,参加文化活动(消费者剩余)的经济价值平均从 38 欧元(电影院)到 55 欧元(剧院、歌剧)不等。结果表明,地方和区域文化基础设施是文化可持续性的重要贡献者。